I always encourage everyone to hop on a bicycle but what i don't encourage is going to bike shops that have attitude and over charge. I am a supporter of revitalizing the life of used bicycles. If you aren't interested or motivated to build or have one built for you, I completely understand. New bikes might be best for you. However there is no reason for any bike shops to be bike elitist snobs. In my experience, places like Kozy's embrace this image.
I love bikes but i know not everyone else who wants to ride is as enthusiastic as i am, and that is fine. We in the bike community need to be more welcoming and understanding to new comers. Every time i walk into a Kozy's there is an aura of snobbery. If you are new to biking and feel overwhelmed by bike jerks, just ride on.

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I had an experience with Kozy's and I have to say I am on board with you on this one. Back in the spring, I was looking for a road bike after having ridden MTB's forever. I walked in there and told them I haven't had a road bike and didn't know my frame size. I asked if they could help me out. When they heard that I wasn't looking to spend more than $1,200 or so, they completely lost interest. I'm sorry, but for my first roadie, excuse the f@ck out of me if I don't want to break the bank.

Long story short, I ended up buying my Giant OCR1 at Hartley's in Hinsdale even though I live here in Chicago. Hartley's is a great shop and they were friendly and didn't exchange pretentious glances with eachother when I asked newb questions.

Since my OCR is a compact frame, I still don't know what my frame size is in cm. The guys at Hartley's told me at the time, but I don't recall.
h3, good point about leaving feedback. I should have done that at the time, but I wasn't sure if attitude like that was unacceptable, or just par for the LBS course. Also, for the sake of full disclosure, I am not affiliated with Hartley's. I just happen to work in Countryside so it was nearby.

Make sure you leave your feedback where others can find it, on
http://www.chicagobikeshops.info Now, I don't know too much about you CWK, but I find the above post rather vague and generalized, and I see that you steered another chainlink member towards a different shop to purchase some parts on another thread, so at this point I have no choice but to suspect that you're somehow affiliated with that other shop.
Can you give me enough to alleviate my suspicion?
Thx . . .
(and nothing personal-- as a 'responsible' person here I do have a bit of a charge to be on guard against folks registering to shill for one particular businesses at the expense of others)
Aura of snobbery? Be more specific, otherwise it is not much more than name calling.
I blow and I don't work for any bike shops. ;-) I've had a bad experience at the shop that is closest to my house but this led me to find a better shop, even though it's a little farther, and peeps there that I've grown to trust and ride with. ;-) I'm not for bashing shops in this setting for the very reason that Howard is pointing out...There are plenty of peeps on this site that do work for bike shops (not saying anyone in this thread does). The service you experience is very individualized cause no one accounts for there own personality in the situation. I'm an asshole and know it, so when i meet someone that i get along with I'm surprised and pleased and continue to go back! ;-)
I've been to just about every bike shop in the area, from upgrade, to all the kozy's to uptown, etc. and I'd have to say that the reception you get is more of a particular person basis. and even then, it's on a personal day basis. sometimes people are having a bad day and just don't feel like answering questions certain time. And i've learned that you shouldn't judge an entire establishment by the actions of one employee. maybe two or three. But in either case, I've had bad experiences and i've had good experiences at kozy's. But all in all I usually frequent Upgrade or Rapid Transit since they're closer.
ha thats a good idea, i've totally analyzed that through my living in chicago in general not just bike shops.

I'm asian, and I have noticed certain unnamed shops in certain unnamed parts of town have me pegged as some trust fund baby and hike up labor rates to twice what it normally is.
i' m sorry for not specifying. this post started as a rant i must admit. even though i have had bad experiences at kozy's and other shops like it, i don't want to step on any more toes. the main message of this post is that i love cycling and the best way for me to enjoy it further is to share it with more people. as a community i think we should encourage more people to take up cycling and nurture peoples interest rather than snuff it with arrogance.
This is a good point CWK, I would hope that people wouldn't be put off of riding by going into a shop that is having an off day or may be is out right rude...With so many shops everyone just has to find there niche.

And Howard, I don't have low self esteem. I know me very well by now and I'm an asshole! ;-) I hold grudges, I'm blunt, I outspoken and I DO NOT believe in the PC universe. So I bring that into a shop and if the person responds poorly, I will go back on another day and tru another person. If they both fail, as is the case with the shop that is closest to me, I would go elsewhere. But I've found a good spot!
I've had many bad experiences at several shops in town...I am no stranger to the snobbery of which you speak.

But I have to disagree with a sweeping statement that the entire Kozy's organization blows. I had a really excellent experience at the Kozy's "Northwest Megastore" on Milwaukee near Belmont. I think if you weren't happy with the North or Near North location, you should give the Northwest guys a try.

I did a century ride over the summer, and the "swag bag" the event organizers handed out at registration contained a coupon for 25% off any one item at Kozy's.

I made several unsuccessful attempts to use the coupon at Kozy's Halsted location, but they never seemed to have what I wanted in stock. Finally, I called the Milwaukee location to see if they had the item I wanted. They were super nice on the phone, and had the item in stock. I told them I was on my way over. When I got there, the item was set aside for me. On top of that, the mechanic took the time to locate some extra nuts and bolts that I needed, put them in a baggie and placed them with my merchandise (at no charge).

In person everyone was super cool...no attitude, answered my questions, and let me find a quiet spot in the store to install the accessory. I couldn't have been happier with my experience there.
>>>i think LBS attitudes are mostly an individual employee type thing. some shops just end up with more pretentious staffs than others, and it's unfortunate.>>>

Ridedirty makes a good point...I think it's more the person than the shop.

I've been told that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

So taking that advice, here is a list of people at local shops who have treated me well and I'd happily recommend to fellow riders:

Sam at Rapid Transit
Steven at Johnny Sprockets on Bryn Mawr
Sean at Johnny Sprockets on Broadway
Deb at Rapid Transit
The entire staff at Uptown Bikes
Everyone who helped me the one time I bought something at Kozy's on Milwauke/Belmont

My friend, meanwhile, loves shopping at Cycle Smithy and says they treat him really well.
Yeah, this could happen at any bike shop, big or small, it's really person dependent. I went by Kozy's on Erie a couple of weeks ago looking at a BMX bike for my son. The guy could have sold me one of the several dozen he had on the floor, but he steered me to another shop (not Kozy's) with suggestions of what I should really get. I asked him about sizing my bike up for some fenders and he told me I could make my own pretty easily out of a 5 gallon bucket instead of selling me some that were hanging right in front of us.
I like Kozy on Erie a lot too. Brian the manager and his dog are very helpful and cute! Brian spent 30 minutes with me going over where to get a size 33 clipless shoe (which obviously Kozy doesn't sell).

Tiberculosis said:
Yeah, this could happen at any bike shop, big or small, it's really person dependent. I went by Kozy's on Erie a couple of weeks ago looking at a BMX bike for my son. The guy could have sold me one of the several dozen he had on the floor, but he steered me to another shop (not Kozy's) with suggestions of what I should really get. I asked him about sizing my bike up for some fenders and he told me I could make my own pretty easily out of a 5 gallon bucket instead of selling me some that were hanging right in front of us.


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