Hopefully you've heard by now that CDOT will begin construction this week on the city's first protected bike lane: Kinzie Street from Milwaukee Avenue/Desplaines Street to Wells Street. 


Full story on Steven Can Plan. 


I want to know what you think about this.

  • What do you feel will need special attention?
  • Is this the right or wrong location for such a facility? Why?
  • Are you going to thank/congratulate Rahm, Gabe, and the CDOT Bicycle Program?
  • Will you use it?


Cycle track and protected bike lane naysayers, this isn't the post for you. But if you've ridden in protected bike lanes before, then I welcome your constructive comments and criticism based on your actual experiences. 

Big intersection

The new beginning. Looking southeast at the intersection of Kinzie/Milwaukee/Desplaines. 

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Why are half the bollards missing?

The city took them out last week. They left the ones at the corners, but removed all of them across the parking lane.

Juan said:

Why are half the bollards missing?

I noticed it last week as well. Just speculating, but they might have installed more than necessary until people (drivers, bikers, parkers) got used to the geography. The absence of bollards doesn't appear to make the bike lane any less protected.

Agreed, seems like the bollards were oversaturated.

Kinzie also seems to get an upgrade to the new Zebras-striped crosswalks.

They are a lot more visible than the old ones


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