I'm super excited because some brilliant guys I know have finally released a kickstarter for a new type of folding bike they've been developing on and off again for the past three years :)

It's kind of niche, and definitely not for everyone.  But it's wonderfully designed, affordable, and solves the "last mile problem" quite well.  I could see it being best for Metra uses who currently use Divvy during rush hour, and who are tired of full/empty docks, or for people who work in areas where leaving your bike locked up outside would result in theft.  I think it's better than a few other sanding bikes I have seen (Halfbike, and some other one) because the gearing is so high; you can be quite zippy with just a walking cadence.

Anyway, it's neat, eh?


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Ok for a couple miles, maybe 5 for someone looking for a challenge.  But no seat means my commute isn't going to be on this bike.  My legs take enough of a beating without having to stand up the entire time.  For last mile transportation, this is a good idea, much like a little scooter but an upgrade.  Definitely an upgrade from a skateboard.... :-)  Also I'm mostly interested in the brunette....

Very interesting. My concern is that it doesn't appear to fold quite far enough to be convenient on Metra. I think that there is a genuine opportunity to create an affordable practical device like this which will leverage the Metra folding bike loophole, but you must remember that the reason they are tolerated (with a cover) is that they are supposed to be fairly small. I rather doubt that I could grab a 26" Fuji Marlboro and take it along. Likewise, I think this would be a perfect candidate for a belt drive to reduce the chances of alienating fellow commuters with chain lube. Surely that beam could fold or telescope? 

I've been anxious to see this launch, It was a blast to help these guys by building the prototype and it's amassing to see where they have come with their idea since then. They have really done a great job with their whole process leading up to this offering - and I hope they knock it out of the park.

It is a blast to ride, and only takes a few seconds to get used to using your arms more.

Help spread the word, and be on the lookout for more on my prototype process. 


Without commenting on the ultimate utility or desire for the overall bike, I had to laugh a little when I saw how it folded.  That's not a folding bike!  It's a little bike with no saddle and a folding stem.  I think there are plenty of bikes with saddles (and gears) out there that fold down smaller than this bike.

David Lieb said:

Very interesting. My concern is that it doesn't appear to fold quite far enough to be convenient on Metra. 

If it works for people, more power to them.  Not for me, I'd snap this thing like a twig.

 Cool idea. I would have to rig some sort of back supporting carrying strap and folding or removable pedals to make it fun for those Metra commutes.

The GST Guys have the prototype I made, and their production one. I'm not sure if they will be doing any public demo's, but I'll let you know. As you can see from the video of actual riders, it was pretty fun. I know one of them did bike the drive on it.

h' 1.0 said:


Any way to try the prototype?


This is from the GST Facebook page for those of you who might be interested in a demo ride. 


By popular demand we have scheduled a ride day for people to come out and try the Occam Cycle for themselves. 

We will make our prototype available for test rides on Saturday September 6th at Chicago's Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park. We will be stationed South West of the Fountain.

Meet us there from 11:00 - 1:00 weather permitting!

We plan on hosting more ride days throughout the campaign, so check for additional updates if you cannot make it on Saturday.

h' 1.0 said:


Any way to try the prototype?


New Location


An event will be taking place at Buckingham Fountain this weekend that may make it impossible for us to meet with interested riders. NEW LOCATION: Meet us on E Solidarity Drive of Chicago's Museum campus right near the Adler Planetarium.

In summary, meet us Saturday September 6th from 11:00 - 1:00 on E Solidarity Drive to try out the Occam Cycle!

Legacy Frameworks said:

This is from the GST Facebook page for those of you who might be interested in a demo ride. 


By popular demand we have scheduled a ride day for people to come out and try the Occam Cycle for themselves. 

We will make our prototype available for test rides on Saturday September 6th at Chicago's Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park. We will be stationed South West of the Fountain.

Meet us there from 11:00 - 1:00 weather permitting!

We plan on hosting more ride days throughout the campaign, so check for additional updates if you cannot make it on Saturday.

h' 1.0 said:


Any way to try the prototype?


And here's a link to the FB event, in case anyone is interested!


The weight limit of 240 is impressive. Our folder is only 180 so yeah I voided that warrantee. I'd be curious to see how it handles with the smaller front wheel, looks like a 14" wheel. Ours feels really twitchy with 20" wheels....

h' 1.0 said:

It's really hard to push that button when you know 50 others got the same thing for $275.

Pst an international customer backed out of an early bird because they didn't realize it doesn't include shipping abroad (at least that's what the comments section indicates?) . So there's briefly another bike available at the $275 level :)


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