The Chainlink

and charged with Felony Bike Theft. Press Release is below. This should make it much more difficult to beat the two prior felony bike theft counts which were brought against him in July. We love the Wilmette police department.

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This is one reason why I have posted in a variety of threads with more  interest in civil claims against drivers who hurt cyclists and much less interest in seeking a pound of flesh via the criminal justice system. I don't mean to say there should not be criminal prosecutions I just think they do not  pay the victim's bills and other losses. I will admit there is a strong occupational bias in this.

With thieves there is no insurance and the pound of  flesh is pretty much all anybody is going to get. The only way most thieves would have the ability to repay their victims would be by stealing another bike (although I do recall they found a stash of bikes when he was last caught and some people actually got their bikes back). We certainly don't want to see that.  


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