Has anyone found it neccessary to kick a car door to get drivers attention?

Maybe, knock a window?

Last week on Chicago Ave I had a Taxi on my tail who then kept crowding into my lane.

I had to fold his mirror  after 3 rd time.

When he tried to squish me I booted his Taxi , pulled over to sidewalk and stopped, He sped off.

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A tap on the window, mirror, hood, trunk or a HEY!!! usually do it for me.

Never had any problems with my custom made tandem. Surprisingly, I found riding shotgun (stoker) to be much more fun than being the captain. The look on driver's faces as we pass them is priceless.

Jeff Schneider said:

I have had to slap a body panel to get a driver's attention back from the phone to the street.  But I think if you have already made them aware of your presence with a love tap, and they are still acting irrationally/endangering you, a better strategy than pounding or kicking their car (which I think just makes them angrier and nuttier) is to put some distance between yourself and them.  You can usually slow down or stop and let them pass.

I slapped a passenger side window of a car for almost running me over once.

Jerk then caught up to me down the road and threw his drink at me with a, "GET OF THE FUCKING ROAD". Needless to say, I do not bother with them anymore.

Jeff Schneider said:

I have had to slap a body panel to get a driver's attention back from the phone to the street.  But I think if you have already made them aware of your presence with a love tap, and they are still acting irrationally/endangering you, a better strategy than pounding or kicking their car (which I think just makes them angrier and nuttier) is to put some distance between yourself and them.  You can usually slow down or stop and let them pass.

+1.  I've found that trying to get the attention of an @$$ho1e to tell them that they're driving like an @$$ho1e does not stop them from behaving like an @$$ho1e even more so.

Sara said:

Jerk then caught up to me down the road and threw his drink at me with a, "GET OF THE FUCKING ROAD". Needless to say, I do not bother with them anymore.

That's battery. You should have gotten the license plate number and called the police. If we let motorists get away with this kind of behavior, then we're condoning and further encouraging it.

Sara said:

I slapped a passenger side window of a car for almost running me over once.

Jerk then caught up to me down the road and threw his drink at me with a, "GET OF THE FUCKING ROAD". Needless to say, I do not bother with them anymore.

In todays society I would not resort to kicking a car. They could have a weapon and come out swinging! Or turn their car into a weapon and run you over. Bike riders are very vulnerable on the street. It's why I like to wear my headphones so I cannot hear if the driver starts yelling at me.

I used to slap body panels, not any more after having this one dummy chase me down onto the side walk to mow me down and get out of his car to try and beat on me some more.

Never got his plate # as he sped off when he realized people started to come out to watch.

And when you do manage to get their license plate number, so what? What are the police really going to do?? It's best to brush off the situation.

It's hard to let things go and I used to get really upset until I almost gave up cycle commuting. I decided to change strategy for retaining my own enjoyment of my ride. As you say I now "brush off the situation" and I hope I can continue to do so.

A light tap with a coin on glass sounds very loud on the other side.

I recently read Flirting with Disaster: Why Accidents Are Rarely Accidental. I think the author would call near misses (such as when the driver threw his drink at Sara), a "weak signal," something not to be ignored. Calling the police about such incidents may well prevent a more tragic incident involving the same driver in the future. All the more important if the driver was a cabbie. While the police might not do much about specific incidents, it's my understanding that these reports pile up against cabbies (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

El Dorado said:

And when you do manage to get their license plate number, so what? What are the police really going to do?? It's best to brush off the situation.

Considering they sit inside a deadly weapon with no hesitation to unleash it on us with a tap of their right foot, I would tread very, very lightly.


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