Justice for Bobby Cann: Upcoming Court Dates and News (UPDATED 9/13)

Upcoming court date: September 18, 10 a.m.
WHAT: Court status hearing, a hearing generally "for the lawyers to inform the judge as to what motions remain pending, whether settlement is likely, and whether a trial should be scheduled" according to Wiki Answers.
WHERE: 26th & California, room 301
Members of the cycling community are encouraged to attend! The more the better. Having a lot of people there shows the judge and state's attorney that the community cares about cycling safety.
Bobby's family and friends are so grateful to those of you who came to the last court date; police officers called the number of people present "breathtaking".
Let me know if you have questions!

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For those of us who can't make it to the trial on Sept 18th would someone please post on the Chainlink a summary and results of the proceedings?  It's unlikely to get reported in the media or by any other source.


I certainly will keep this forum updated!

More press coverage may be coming given the recent proposal to name his crash site "Honorary Bobby Cann Way" (http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20130912/old-town/roadway-be-named-a...) and the coordinated efforts of the Cann family and their legal team. Have hope!

Bob Kastigar said:

For those of us who can't make it to the trial on Sept 18th would someone please post on the Chainlink a summary and results of the proceedings?  It's unlikely to get reported in the media or by any other source.



Catherine Bullard said:

I certainly will keep this forum updated!


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