I've been loosing weight over the last 9 months now.
So as a way to motivate myself I got a new road bike.
Also as another present / motivation I got a podium skin suit.
I got the bike back in October and the skin suit within the last week or so.
I got the tron one and the bike I have pictures of it here.
So since it was warm I went for some rides to show my friends.
A couple of them encouraged me to keep it up.
Some others well they said I was a bike dork and a tool.
Sad thing is this was coming from people who in my book took the easy way out.
The guy drinks alcohol like he's a fish. And the woman well she had 85% of her stomach removed to loose weight.  I just started loosing weight by making better choices.
I stopped over eating and started getting more exercise.
For some reason though being called a tool hurt. and being called a bike dork behind my back hurt more. I'm just going to stop seeing these people when I do go for a ride.
But yeah this so called tool did 50 miles in 2 days over the weekend and I hope to do a lot more. Just needed to get this off my chest so to speak.

Anyone else have this happen to them?

I need to find more biking people in my area that can be a positive influence!

Thanks for letting me rant.


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Keep riding if that makes you happy. Find new friends that share your interests.

Problem solved.

You should come out to some of the many organized rides listed here. I would also suggest checking with your local bike clubs and LBS, as they tend to have frequent rides at set times. Once you do that, you will meet plenty of other people who share your interest in cycling and health.

Well you are in the company of a lot of bike dorks and tools here!  Are you having fun?  Then who cares what others think?!?  Looking forward to seeing you on a ride.  

The only time I don't have fun is when my feet get cold!
But I did manage to stop that too! I wore my work boots and it kept my feet warm!
Looking forward to seeing some of my fellow bike dorks and tools then!
For some reason I think better on 2 wheel and I have more fun ;)

A bike dork an a tool -- ha, they have all kinds of names for us, and most are pretty profane.  I LOVE that you said you think better on two wheels and have more fun -- I wholeheartedly concur!  There are a lot of people to ride with, and you should just join in the fun - I will unashamedly plug the ADA's Tour de Cure ride which is in June and for which I'm Chair of the Planning Committee, but there are TONS of great rides and great people to ride with.  Keep riding and feeling happy when you do!! 

Thanks for the encouragement.
I already have some rides planned thanks to the mailer I received from The League of Illinois Bicyclists.
I  do have fun when I'm riding. Is this going to stop me? Nope. It just didn't sit right with me.
I have complained to these people and they don't get it so to speak. Not going to go into details. I just need to move on. Rides are no longer about who I go to see. They are going to be about what I go to see.
If I do go to see anyone they have to be a positive influence rather than a negative.
I guess I just needed a little push to move on. 

An easy way to lose even more weight would be to ditch so-called "friends" who would call you a tool or a dork for doing something you love.

A couple of them encouraged me to keep it up. - those are good people

Some others well they said I was a bike dork and a tool. - these do not sound like good people to have in your life.

Once they see your progress, they'll want to join your lifestyle. That's when you take the high road and teach them your gained knowledge.

Yes, this is a lifestyle.

XndeX said:

Thanks for the encouragement.
I already have some rides planned thanks to the mailer I received from The League of Illinois Bicyclists.
I  do have fun when I'm riding. Is this going to stop me? Nope. It just didn't sit right with me.
I have complained to these people and they don't get it so to speak. Not going to go into details. I just need to move on. Rides are no longer about who I go to see. They are going to be about what I go to see.
If I do go to see anyone they have to be a positive influence rather than a negative.
I guess I just needed a little push to move on. 


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