For those who are familiar with me, you may notice I usually have an unlimited amount of energy on most occassions. This is because I have regularly used the juicer for the last 14-15 years. At 43 I consider myself very healthy, active and positive. This is my year to clean up somewhat because I have been a heavy smoker since I was 27 and my diet at the best has been inconsistant in regards to eating healthy foods. My usual food of choice is McDonalds, Burger King or Pizza Slices. Only when I have a woman cook for me or go around my family I get to eat a balanced meal. I have never been a heavy drinker, although in the last 5 years my intake of cheap beer has increased 10 times, mostly when I am around other drinkers. If it were not for my Champion Juicer I am convinced that I would be 10 times more raunchy than I feel right now.

I usually juice from 2-4 times a week consistantly. If anyone who lives within a reasonable distance from me @ Foster/Broadway Ave. I am happy to make juice for them as well (FREE). I do make it for the girl at the gas station next door and she is very receptive to it, but on most occassions people are not really down for it. I have set up a new schedual to Juice. It is Mon/Wed/Thurs between 9:30-10:30am. This is when I have my dogwalking clients from next door. I invite anyone to come over and juice with me. Ha Ha. Usually I make a carrot apple mix, sometimes a mellon or pinapple. I always have enough for an extra person. If more than 1 person wants to do this, there is the 'World Market' across the street and they have the best and the least expensive produce around here. All you have to do is show and drink the juice, smile and go on your way. One of the most satifying things I can do for myself is make juice for someone else. This is what I get off on. I am also back into some serious stretching and basic yoga poses that I have not done for a number of years. I can teach them for free as well. Whoever wants it, send a note and I will give you my phone and address. If folks want to keep this thread alive for a little while, post some receipes for healty/cheap eating. My new kick is 2 avacado on my Mcdonalds because I need to be getting at least 1000 extra calories every day. Also more beer and less smoking (half of pack a day instead of an entire one). So far I have been consistant for more than 30 days and I still have not gained 1 pound. I really don't understand why. This should make an interesting thread and I cannot see a reason for a harsh debate on this so I know we can all be nice on this one. Marty

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I am a big fan of carrot apple beet with a bit of lemon a parsley!
Orange and carrot a 'Sunny Bunny'!
im glad i read this.. from the title i thought he was juicing! but it turns out hes just juicing...
I used to go to Jamba Juice every morning before work to get wheatgrass shots. But since the economy got sucky I go just once a week. I can really feel the detoxifying power of the juice especially when I stop and then start all over again.
You have a good point. I used to have a juicer way back when, but now I just throw stuff in the blender as well. I felt like I was being wasteful by throwing out the remains of my fruits and veggie.

I'm sure there are some people who juice because of medical reasons though. Maybe they can't handle certain fiber or seeds.

Clark said:
Never could understand Juicing...why not Smoothies instead, and retain all that healthy fiber?

My favorite Smoothie is: Banana, Pomegranate with rind, various Berries in season, raw Beets, a little Soy isolate protein powder (by downstate NOW foods, in bulk at Whole Foods Market), POM Wonderful juice, and some ginseng root from Chinatown. All in a blender for a minute or so, whirled with some ice cubes. Sugar and peels optional.
I like the smoothie but the reason why I do the juice vs. the smoothie most times is it absorbs much faster and you get more enzyme/nutrient per item. Basically pre-digested. Can you imagine eating 8 whole carrots in one sitting ? or 4 apples, etc. Also, the enzyme/vitamin molecules in the juice only stays intact for about 20min after sending it through the machine. After that the value of it diminishes greatly. That's why I don't buy the stuff in the store, only for the fresh produce. I also personally am not a big fan of powders and add ins. But I cannot really vouch personally for their value either. I did find this page pretty quickly to sum it up via comparison although it does not include sources of any scientific studies. Pretty much says what I am trying to here though. Maybe someone can find a more detailed link with more detail and reference. I am really busy putzing around today.
Marty, glad to hear it. I think you could stand to add some greens to your juicing. Parsley is the best doesn't add a strong taste, yet it bursting with green goodness. Marty, I suggest you consider lowering your intake of fast food, transitioning it out...maybe to once a day then eventually to a few times a week. If you get hooked on transitioning, I say keep transitioning to raw vegan if you feel so compelled. That's how I did it. I also do yoga on my own which helps...everything. You must have a high metabolism and good genes to stay fit on all that fast food...but if you replaced it with basic easy food that wasn't full of hormones, chemicals and made with the cheapest ingredients, you would probably stay the same weight but help you in your aging. Your body has a finite amount of enzymes to deal with what we put in it and with what life deals it's important to know eating a diet that has it's own enzymes which will leave yours to work for you well into the future. Eating junk food takes a lot out of you enzyme-wise. So does drinking...I'm still working on that. I am not drinking for one whole month, I am currently smack in the middle of that commitment. It's good to give up things, unlike many people think. Even if it is just for a bit...because usually it lessens one's tendency to habitually do them. Also if someone or something is telling you you have to gain weight or that being lean is bad, think twice about their advice and look closely at their health. I think your leanness is awesome.
I just throw all the veggie remains in my compost pile and it all ends up in my garden again. Its a nice cycle.

Amber K said:
You have a good point. I used to have a juicer way back when, but now I just throw stuff in the blender as well. I felt like I was being wasteful by throwing out the remains of my fruits and veggie.

I'm sure there are some people who juice because of medical reasons though. Maybe they can't handle certain fiber or seeds.

Clark said:
Never could understand Juicing...why not Smoothies instead, and retain all that healthy fiber?

My favorite Smoothie is: Banana, Pomegranate with rind, various Berries in season, raw Beets, a little Soy isolate protein powder (by downstate NOW foods, in bulk at Whole Foods Market), POM Wonderful juice, and some ginseng root from Chinatown. All in a blender for a minute or so, whirled with some ice cubes. Sugar and peels optional.
Marty someone might think you have orthorexia for trying to be healthy...HA HA HA HA HA...this article is HIGH-larious!
Luck for me I already have my prescribed medicine and it just happens to be green as well.

Barbra Mann said:
Marty someone might think you have orthorexia for trying to be healthy...HA HA HA HA HA...this article is HIGH-larious!
My juicing only goes as far as making "licuados" (fruit based smoothie-type drink). I grab the blender and throw in a banana, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a few sprinkles of cinammon, 3 ice cubes, a teaspoon of sugar, an egg, and about 2-3 cups of milk. Blend it up real good and you have a drink that can be had as a quickie breakfast, or just a snack at anytime of the day.
What no egg or ice ?

Ricardo Cervantes said:
My juicing only goes as far as making "licuados" (fruit based smoothie-type drink). I grab the blender and throw in a banana, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a few sprinkles of cinammon, 3 ice cubes, a teaspoon of sugar, an egg, and about 2-3 cups of milk. Blend it up real good and you have a drink that can be had as a quickie breakfast, or just a snack at anytime of the day.


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