I think we should probably start a forum to list judges that are lenient towards drunk and otherwise dangerous drivers. We can review this list when it comes time to vote to retain the judge. I searched the forum, but have not found a similar thread.
Chicago mentioned. Straight Party voting got the 59 Houston, Harris County, Texas judges removed. In Illinois, aren't current judges seeking retention not designated by party?
Judges in Chicago ARE designated by party, whether new or retention candidates, but almost all are Dem candidates.
I believe Chicago's 3-20-18 primary election had slated candidates for all offices (judges), for voters to approve. The Democratic party in Chicago had their encumbents to be approved by the electorate. Many judicial offices were not even challenged because the Republican party and Independents had no candidates running. Thus running unopposed.
In the general election on 11-6-18 voters in Illinois did not have the option to vote a straight party ticket. A voter must individually choose the candidates running in each office, hopefully based on merit.
Yes, our electoral process is skewed strangely in this state also.
Bringing this thread back to the top. There are a few judges listed here who may be up for votes in this election. Hooks is getting all the publicity, but there are other judges we have pointed out who might deserve a "No" vote.
Judge William Hooks, who gave a 10 day sentence to the drunk driver who killed Bobby Cann, has been "removed from judicial duties". He was accused of racist behavior and witness tampering.
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