Jana Kinsman could have been killed in Logan Square area last night by driver and pals thinking they're funny

Basically, some dudes in a purple tahoe grabbed her while she was on her bike and pulled her along next to the car while she was screaming for her life.

Here's her twitter story, storified: http://storify.com/abughat/wtf

If anyone can get info or ideas for further help, please share! Be safe out there, friends.

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I would hate to be driving a purple tahoe over the next few days in this city. 

How many purple Tahoes are there? 30,000 cameras in Chicago hope it's on one.

Not many. I don't think purple was ever a stock Tahoe color.

Mike Zumwalt said:

How many purple Tahoes are there? 30,000 cameras in Chicago hope it's on one.

It was Maroon. Not purple

Justin B Newman said:

Not many. I don't think purple was ever a stock Tahoe color.

Mike Zumwalt said:

How many purple Tahoes are there? 30,000 cameras in Chicago hope it's on one.

Aussie baseball player killed by bored kids with nothing better to do.

Wow....ridiculous...is this becoming more common?!?!  I'm glad she is "ok"...

My friend was recently assaulted while on his bike (Damen/Chicago area).  They forced him and bike to curb, got out and beat him up...in order to take his messenger bag and contents.

I just saw her story on the news.  That is so scary!  That thought has occurred to me when I see people's elbows sticking out of the windows.  

Anyone organizing a donation account or fundraiser to help with hospital bills and bike repair?

Is there a collection fund being established to help Jana with her expenses? If so please post.


Oh man, if it is they need to catch these guys lock em up and throw away the keys.


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