Jana Kinsman could have been killed in Logan Square area last night by driver and pals thinking they're funny

Basically, some dudes in a purple tahoe grabbed her while she was on her bike and pulled her along next to the car while she was screaming for her life.

Here's her twitter story, storified: http://storify.com/abughat/wtf

If anyone can get info or ideas for further help, please share! Be safe out there, friends.

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I've personally experienced an ambulance with no police appearing, and as I recall, others have posted about similar situations elsewhere on Chainlink. So even an ambulance does not guarantee active police involvement.

h' 1.0 said:

Not terribly helpful, but when the 911 operator asks if you need an ambulance, and you say no, you're usually looking at at least 45 minutes. If you say yes, generally a police car will be there shortly, often before the ambulance. 

Two people nearby called 911 for me and requested an ambulance. Got there in maybe two mins max. After waiting about 10-15 mins for CPD, they put me in the ambulance because my head was bleeding pretty badly. As soon as they opened the door to let me in, the lady sped off. I had to ask for a police officer three times at the hospital. When one got there, she said she was the original officer responding to my call. No idea why it took her an hour and a half to respond. She basically told me to suck it up because her dad was the victim of a hit and run when he was walking one day. I was later told it was my responsibility to figure out if there were any cameras nearby. If so, it was my responsibility to figure out who owned them. And I did. The security camera on the Blommer factory caught the whole thing but the quality wasn't good enough to get a plate number. I asked if CPD would check if the ambulance had a dash cam. Never heard back. Thankfully I have awesome insurance and only ended up paying $200ish. Still have no idea who hit me - she came out of her car and offered me tissues for my head. I had no reason to think I should take her pic or one of the car. She acted like the was staying until I had my back turned. I really need to invest in a camera.

Here in Milwaukee, the city's Department of Public works handles parking enforcement.  Our cops, who are already spread thin, at least are relieved from parking enforcement duties.

This story and, unfortunately, the many others that have come before it SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!! Please pardon the language but that is some scarey shit. In spite of the fact that there are low-life's, I guess, trying to take the joy out of it, I still LOVE to ride and will continue to do so safely, cautiously and w/ the awareness of a city-dwelling squirrel; sad that we have to ride like that but it is what it is...


& hang in there Jana

surveillance video of the aftermath of the attack: http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20130821/logan-square/cyclist-grabbe...

Trib just posted this story, appears there was a fatal hit-and-run last night with a vehicle matching the description in Jana's incident:

Police are asking for the public's help identifying the driver and vehicle that killed an elderly man in a hit-and-run accident Tuesday on the city's Northwest Side.

Shortly before 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Norman Esho, 83, had crossed the street near his family's video store near California and Devon avenues when he was struck by a maroon or red SUV, police said.

The vehicle, described as either a GMC, a Chevrolet Tahoe or Suburban, kept going and was last seen southbound on California Avenue, police said. The vehicle had shiny custom rims.

Esho of the 6300 block of North Francisco Avenue was pronounced dead at 7 p.m. Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Anyone with information about the vehicle or the driver should contact the Major Accident Investigation Unit at 312-745-4521.

It would be great if CDOT removed an entire lane of parked cars along Kimball Ave. and put in a Dearborn type lane. I used to live along that corridor and have experienced a few way to close aggressive drivers, one even pointing a gun at me for "being in the way".

Wow, WTF! Jana my heart goes out to you. I could not even imagine what you went through and what that would have felt like. I'm glad to hear that you didn't have any broken bones or worst not here with us. Wishing you a quick recovery!


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