I visited it Saturday. Would have LOVED to have tried out some of those vintage bikes - especially the tandems!

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What is "it?"

C'mon Kev... "IT".... HMmmmm..... Let's work this out.. could be code?...
let's green-light!....

Itasca Teas...
Information Technology...
Indian Tempest...
Isopropyl Trannies...
Illinois Taxis...
Indigestible Taffy...
Incredible Tutelage...
Idiotic Tallahasee...
Incremental Taxes...
Insidious Tube-steak...
Indignant Teachers....
Insolvent Turnstiles...
Incurable Tetanus...
Iowa Tractors?

S'gotta be one of those... could be.... or maybe not...

Obviously we are talking about IT -the Segway!

I walked past a Segway tour over the weekend. They are definitely here.

It does seem like they could update the information about the museum.  I'm not sure the previous location made it onto the club's website.


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