Isaac Grigsby from WIG Bags talks about the Chicago bike biz, rocket-propelled grenade launchers

As part of a series on bike entrepreneurs, today Grid Chicago catches up with WIG Bags' Isaac Grigsby, who has sold his custom-made messenger bags, backpacks, food-delivery containers and more to every corner of the globe. Grigsby shares his views on the fledgling Chicago bike accessory scene, why he doesn't advertise, and what it's like sewing carrying cases for weapons of mass destruction:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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And by "better" Kevin means, a link that actually works. Thanks Kevin!

Kevin C said:

Good read. I feel the same, especially in the burbs – motorist are still too freaked out riding side by side next to a cyclist.

Yes. The frank assessment of the costs of doing business was super useful to hear given the scope the series.  

Thanks guys!

Hmmm, the link worked fine for me. I wonder what the problem was.

Tony Adams said:

And by "better" Kevin means, a link that actually works. Thanks Kevin!

Kevin C said:

I'm just guessing that the problem has something to do with using Windows Live:

Perhaps it works for you because you are already signed into Windows Live? When I click on the link I get redirected to a Windows Live login screen.

Minimize your use of anything microsoft* and you'll have less of these embarrassing moments.

*ok i paint with an overly broad brush. The phone seems pretty good - I like its interface better than iOS or Android, although it looks like its market share will never gain enough mass to survive. And the xbox is a great gaming platform - not that I have time for that sort of thing. 

John Greenfield said:

Hmmm, the link worked fine for me. I wonder what the problem was.

Tony Adams said:

And by "better" Kevin means, a link that actually works. Thanks Kevin!

Kevin C said:

Really enjoyed this piece.  Here's a guy who tells it like it is.  I wish him continued success.


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