Is there any interest here to start up a version of Iowa's 'Taco Ride' ? * * * *('Food Ride'!)* * * *

The first 'Food Ride' will be Eric Struck's 'Saturday Morning Doughnut Ride', Thank you Eric for organizing it !

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Is there any interest here for a future ride theme like they have in Iowa? In warmer weather of course. Perhaps an occasional or monthly version.

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I work for and deliver food on my bike, support me and I'll bring you tacos. win-win.

Now I have tacos and donuts on the brain.  Love the idea of a food ride.  Might even get Mr. Yaj to join me for that! 

Done, and done.  Dinkel's on Lincoln anyone?

That's how it's done. Well done, Sir.

I love Dinkels. They have great birthday cakes too. 

We certainly have many taco options here, far better than Iowa and its turkey loving denizens. "When I eat well I feel well." Yeah? When I eat ground turkey I am sad.

Sorry to hear you don't enjoy turkey & or ground meat. I love turkey better than chicken. If it is prepared right, seasoned etc, it's delicious and healthy. Disclosure: I do not have any stock holdings in the Jennie-o-ground-turkey company. :-) Yes, I love Thanksgiving time.

I love the idea of a food ride - be it tacos or something else. There are always so many 'best of' restaurant/food lists published, that could be a great starting point for inspiration. Or picking a neighborhood each month and trying something unique to that neighborhood could be fun.

Given the weather, maybe we should start with a coffee ride?


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