The Chainlink

I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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No, the heat made me ride more slowly yesterday. I almost put it on a bus for the return.
I'm totally fine with riding in the heat.  Kiddie schedule required me driving this week, and being stuck in a hot car (I can't bring myself to use air conditioning) is way, way, way worse.  Much nicer this morning!
Same here.  Although I've chosen the bus over riding for a few non-work trips this past week,

Molly said:

Since I ride all year round, there is no way I can not ride when it is hot out.

Today seemed pretty nice- regrettably, I had to drive to pick someone up from the hospital after work, otherwise I would have definitely rode.
This morning was an absolute relief. I'm glad I didn't ride yesterday, although it was a little cooler than Wednesday.

Not the heat so much as seeing this...

I thought about not riding this week, but one train-ride to an afternoon meeting yesterday had me convinced the bike was the way to go.  I wasn't even during rush hour, and almost couldn't bear it.  I have no idea how people do that everyday, and have a much easier time commuting via bike in heat, rain, cold, or snow.
It's not easy, but I've done it twice since the heat wave got really bad--a total probably of about 12 miles in 2 days, as compared to my average of 25-30. I got to hop in the water pretty much instantly, though, so my relief from the heat came mercifully quickly. Seriously though, I started feeling nauseous on the way back once, and had to stop and guzzle some warm water. It's really not a good idea, the air quality is terrible and even just existing outside can make you sweat. :(

I still ride, But my work schedule keeps me from riding in the worst of it. 8am-6pm.

Arrive at work at 8:30am just as it starts to broil my insides.

Leave work at 8:30pm still feeling the radiant heat, especially from passing cars, making me want to gag.

Yes. I'll take 95 degrees and a dip in the lake over 3 degrees and a 10mph wind.

Laura said:
I have still been riding to work. I had to take the bus today and then walk 4 blocks. Walking that 4 blocks was a lot worse then riding the 2 miles! Last night we went to a concert and took a cab. We would have never cooled down from the ride in the venue. I HATE winter! So I refuse to complain about the heat

Cute article on coping with heat:

"If you're rich, buy an air conditioner."

I love how I bike in this heat and don't feel like it is that hot (because the wind keeps me somewhat cool) and then......once I stop and lock up my bike, the sweat starts pouring and doesn't stop for at least an hour.


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