I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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No, the heat made me ride more slowly yesterday. I almost put it on a bus for the return.
I'm totally fine with riding in the heat.  Kiddie schedule required me driving this week, and being stuck in a hot car (I can't bring myself to use air conditioning) is way, way, way worse.  Much nicer this morning!
Today seemed pretty nice- regrettably, I had to drive to pick someone up from the hospital after work, otherwise I would have definitely rode.
This morning was an absolute relief. I'm glad I didn't ride yesterday, although it was a little cooler than Wednesday.

Not the heat so much as seeing this...

I thought about not riding this week, but one train-ride to an afternoon meeting yesterday had me convinced the bike was the way to go.  I wasn't even during rush hour, and almost couldn't bear it.  I have no idea how people do that everyday, and have a much easier time commuting via bike in heat, rain, cold, or snow.
It's not easy, but I've done it twice since the heat wave got really bad--a total probably of about 12 miles in 2 days, as compared to my average of 25-30. I got to hop in the water pretty much instantly, though, so my relief from the heat came mercifully quickly. Seriously though, I started feeling nauseous on the way back once, and had to stop and guzzle some warm water. It's really not a good idea, the air quality is terrible and even just existing outside can make you sweat. :(

I still ride, But my work schedule keeps me from riding in the worst of it. 8am-6pm.

Arrive at work at 8:30am just as it starts to broil my insides.

Leave work at 8:30pm still feeling the radiant heat, especially from passing cars, making me want to gag.

Yes. I'll take 95 degrees and a dip in the lake over 3 degrees and a 10mph wind.

Laura said:
I have still been riding to work. I had to take the bus today and then walk 4 blocks. Walking that 4 blocks was a lot worse then riding the 2 miles! Last night we went to a concert and took a cab. We would have never cooled down from the ride in the venue. I HATE winter! So I refuse to complain about the heat
I love how I bike in this heat and don't feel like it is that hot (because the wind keeps me somewhat cool) and then......once I stop and lock up my bike, the sweat starts pouring and doesn't stop for at least an hour.
Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too windy, too still, really?  Since when did human beings require 75 degree temperature all the time.  Our bodies are designed to adapt and besides WATER there is also great CLOTHING available.  This link contains several people's heat stroke symptoms and none of them got it from only 30-40 minutes of activity.   http://www.medicinenet.com/heat_stroke/discussion-410.htm  If you don't want to ride, it's your choice, but the great outdoors is a poor excuse.   
I apparently had forgotten about last summer, when I routinely rode 50-80 miles in hot hot heat without a second thought as I was training for a century. Considering that, plus gentle peer pressure from Chainlinkers, made me woman up and start my commute again. Thanks, everyone :)

Megan Hauser said:
I usually ride 13 miles round trip to Evanston and back, but I live half a block from the UP North Metra. This week I've taken the train every day. When I leave the house at 5:50 a.m., I think, eh, this doesn't seem so bad, but by the time I come home I'm thankful to be getting on the train. Aside from the heat, the air quality also seems really bad, as my throat feels kind of tight after walking outside for a couple minutes.


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