As promised, here is a photo and a video(!) of my new bike soul mate, a Papillionaire Sommer.  

Her name is Prudence, Pru for short...

Pru was bought from and customized by Chris & Justyna at Cosmic Bikes!

Won't you come out to play!

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Wow. That is beautiful. Congrats!! I love the blue. The pannier is really cool - what brand is that?

Lovely bike!  Congratulations!

Thanks Yasmeen and Jim!  

The pannier is a Fremonster Flap Pannier from Detours. The color is indigo. I love it so far. The clips fit my rack, the bars of which are slighter wider than typical. Also there is a quality shoulder strap and a flap to cover up the clips when you are carrying it. Best of all my 15 inch laptop fits perfectly. I got it from BFF Bikes but Cosmic is going to start carrying them soon as well. As far as I know they are the only Chicago dealers, I searched pretty thoroughly. 

Oh and by the way the custom features that Cosmic hooked up for me are: a custom-built generator hub wheel, lights, and a Gamoh front rack.


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