Hi Everyone,

  I am teaming up with Legacy Frameworks to put together a sweet bike for this campaign.  It is called The Scout and will be equipped in a manner that fully justifies the donation price. 

  Also this campaign is worth supporting at even a modest level.  Read the description in the link.  I ride Illinois cycle paths a lot throughout the year and want to see them maintained and expanded so much that I kinda want to punch whoever it is that won't give the money to maintain the trail I rode rode and camped along last fall, great ride, but holy washout Batman! I digress . . .

  Check it out


I am Owen of Blue City Cycles and I approve this message

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I agree this campaign is worth supporting. Only about a day left to help build the Illinois Trail Corps!

Thank you Blue City Cycles! And Legacy, and Glen S. who's helping to fund the prototype. And to Julie who's now a 2-time Illinois Trail Corps donor - you're amazing!

I hope you'll support this excellent project by donating.  I did.


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