Hey everyone! Again :)

We are in need of a graphic artist/illustrator/artist to come up with a logo for the Chicago Racketeers. All girl BMX dance troupe.

For specific details please contact

Shar Finley



Please please with sugar on top... I can't draw very well :)

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shar - keralee froebel (good friend of mine) can likely recommend someone.

keraleef@yahoo.com  or 312 399 6819


LMK if you want me to call and ask her...or you could call her (?)



what is the deadline?

Does it need to include the name?

How many colors?

vector or raster?

should it fit into a certain shape?

quick idea

c'mon howie : LMK = let me know


just wanted to LYK that one.... <g>



H3N3 said:

Why does LMK sound so dirty?

dan brown said:

LMK if you want me to call and ask her..



yes we want the name to be the primary focus, red and white are the colors. perhaps incorporate a chicago theme to it, bike rack, bmx, a girl, maybe stars.  One of my friends came up with this image,maybe incorporate that?


Dubi Kaufmann said:

what is the deadline?

Does it need to include the name?

How many colors?

vector or raster?

should it fit into a certain shape?

quick idea

i like rastor but be creative with it.. and would like it by the end of the month. sooner rather than later though

shar said:

yes we want the name to be the primary focus, red and white are the colors. perhaps incorporate a chicago theme to it, bike rack, bmx, a girl, maybe stars.  One of my friends came up with this image,maybe incorporate that?


Dubi Kaufmann said:

what is the deadline?

Does it need to include the name?

How many colors?

vector or raster?

should it fit into a certain shape?

quick idea


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