I would like to check out the I&M Canal Towpath this weekend.  The description says it starts in Bridgeport but the park service maps all start in Channahon.  Does anyone know where there is an access point in Bridgeport?



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"The Illinois and Michigan Canal ran 96 miles (154 km) from the Bridgeport neighborhood in Chicago..."

Two key words in this description: Canal (not trail) and ran.   When the canal existed to its full extent, it started in Bridgeport.  The trail that exists now starts near Joliet.  For many of us, the easiest access is from the end of the Metra Rock Island line.

Sorry to be a pest.  I haven't done a lot of cycling in suburban Illinois and am not familiar with the Metra so am requesting more precise details.  Would you say that the closest/easiest access point is by the Joliet Metra station on E. Washington St near the Des Plaines River?  Thanks again.

No worries.  Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude earlier.  I just didn't want to get your hopes up for Bridgeport.

Yes, the nearest train access is Joliet Metra station at Washington and Scott.  Here's a map I put together a while back (from info gathered from a few knowledgeable friends) for someone who was riding cross country and passing through our area.

Zoom in on downtown Joliet (east of river, north of I-80) for detailed routing.  Note that Jefferson St. is one way eastbound.  You can use it for the return trip, but you need to use Cass St. (becomes Western Ave.) to cross the river going westbound.  The trail starts a few blocks south of West Park.

NOTE: Ottawa St. and Chicago St. get a LOT of truck traffic going to/from I-80.  Other than those streets, downtown traffic isn't bad.  Speed is more likely to be an issue than congestion on local streets out there.

In recent years, there has usually been a Chicago Cycling Club ride on the trail.  I don't see it on the ride schedule yet, but it might be added at a later date.  It's also possible that someone else on the Chainlink might be interested in doing a group ride on the trail.

This is great.  Thanks so much!

You're welcome.

Yep. The section heading north, with a bit of tricky connection at 135th Street (Romeoville), and the mentioned detour, ends in Willow Springs. There are decently bike able routes to Willow Springs from the city.

Here's my route, including the I & M Canal detour of the closed portion of the Centennial Trail, from Oak Park:


Tim Heckman said:

Yep. The section heading north, with a bit of tricky connection at 135th Street (Romeoville), and the mentioned detour, ends in Willow Springs. There are decently bike able routes to Willow Springs from the city.

Wow.  Good information.  Thanks again!

Hey Tim, we are practically neighbors, hit me up if you want to ride some trails some time.



Tim Heckman said:

Here's my route, including the I & M Canal detour of the closed portion of the Centennial Trail, from Oak Park:


Tim Heckman said:

Yep. The section heading north, with a bit of tricky connection at 135th Street (Romeoville), and the mentioned detour, ends in Willow Springs. There are decently bike able routes to Willow Springs from the city.
I'll do that, Levi. I ride out at least half of the weekend morning, sometime between 7 and 8, and try to be out for two to four hours, depending on what's on my honeydo list.

Following up on this, I've been looking through other Chainlink threads for the best route to get to the Centennial and I&M Canal Trail access point in Willow Springs.


I'd like to come westbound on 83rd, but I'm stumped as to how to get to the access point after 83rd stops around Harlem. 87th looks like insanity.


Google recommends just taking Archer from downtown, but it looks pretty unpleasant and fast-moving on Google streetview. I'd rather get south to 83rd taking some streets I'm more familiar with (Halsted, Damen) and then head west.




Some of the information in this thread may be helpful (page 5 & beyond):



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