Illinois Department of Transportation Launches State Bikeway Plan Request for Proposals (RFP)

Hey Chainlink...Spread the word on our State Bikeway Plan RFP and help advance bicycle policy across Illinois!


The Illinois Department of Transportation has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a State Bikeway Plan. The RFP was released on September 25th, 2012 and will remain open until October 16th2012 at 1:30pm CST. An overview is printed below and the RFP is located on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin, Illinois BID web portal.


For RFP-related inquiries:

Christy Davis (

(217) 785-8492

Overview (Reference Number: 22024123)

The Department of Transportation is seeking a vendor to develop a State Bikeway Plan. The plan will become a component of the AGENCY's Long Range State Transportation Plan which is currently underway and scheduled for completion by December 31, 2012. The Agency is looking for a plan that will help determine what the existing bikeway accommodations are, where they need to be in the near and long-term, and what type of investments are required to meet those needs. To establish a baseline for the existing bikeway system the Vendor will be required to collect and examine existing bikeway plans from agencies throughout the state which have developed bikeway plans for their region. A State Bikeway Plan must meet state and federal requirements, help identify potential corridors for future investments, evaluate and identify projects that provide the best benefits for the region and/or state, educate the public on state and federal regulations and programs related to bicycle accommodations, explore best practices and innovative ideas to improve safety, and guide the evolving development of this growing modal option. Input from the public and special interest groups will be critical to this effort. In addition, the State Bikeway Plan will investigate methodologies which can be used to guide project selection based on benefits and other related factors.


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Contact Gabe Sulkes for inquiries related to non-motorized transportation in Illinois and visit the Illinois Department of Transportation webpage for more information.


Gabriel Sulkes

Policy Advisor
Office of Planning & Programming
Illinois Department of Transportation
JRTC | 100 W Randolph | Suite 6-600
Chicago, IL | 60601-3229
Phone 312.793.0478
Fax 312.793.1251

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Seriously, I just can't get enough of stuff like this!

I dunno, Kevin.  Official state recognition that The Chainlink is where serious cyclists hang out, and therefore the place IDOT should be, is kind of flattering and refreshing.  And for us, it's kind of like having the Governor on speed dial.

We shall see. I consider it to be far more likely that the chainlink represents one stop shopping for IDOT to reach 8000 pairs of eyeballs. Having the opportunity to submit a response to an RFP doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy.


Thunder Snow said:

I dunno, Kevin.  Official state recognition that The Chainlink is where serious cyclists hang out, and therefore the place IDOT should be, is kind of flattering and refreshing.  And for us, it's kind of like having the Governor on speed dial.

I'll be curious to hear more over time.  I've been encouraged about some of the IDOT projects of recent years, such as the planned Central Ave. underpass, which will create a bike and pedestrian friendly north-south route southwest of Midway Airport, an area that is now utterly lacking in such amenities.  I think I'll send an email and ask about the status of that project.

Or just "friend" Gabe Sulkes here and pm him.  (Even having that possibility is what makes me think this might be a good thing.)

Anne Alt said:

I think I'll send an email and ask about the status of that project.

Hey all, I invited him to post the RFP.  There are many urban planners, engineers and others on here that may want to know about the RFP.  And this way the community can start  to get involved and understand the process of making infrastructural changes that affect us.

There has been the belief (by some) that IDOT focuses their attention on drivers or recreational cyclists and not putting money towards the needs of commuters while CDOT is focused on the city cyclists and their needs.    Having this RFP (request for proposal) to a broad audience of people who also may think  about commuter is, in my opinion, a good thing. 

Kevin - your response is a good one though that we should start to chat about (not here, I will start a new thread) - should we have a separate section for solicitations from companies, organizations, etc?

Wow, I think this is fantastic.  I, for one, didn't know that IDOT even had a Bicycling program, let alone a current RFP.  

Having worked in and with government for awhile, I can say that the goal is always to cast the broadest net when seeking applicants - whatever the nature of the award.   Likewise, public engagement is essential to the success of any civic program - from planning to execution.  And the most effective actors (in this case, "vendors") are those who choose to leverage existing networks like The Chainlink. 

I think IDOT can gain massive exposure by posting to this forum, and in doing so, join the ranks of industry leads looking to The Chainlink for an independent word on the street from the engaged masses. 

I think that in transportation (as in every industry) the long-standing institutions are now scrambling to establish a social media presence that can support their work in a new age.  Some reach out to The Chainlink rather than wholly reinventing the wheel.  I think that any vendor coming in for this RFP would be smart to do the same. 

So, thanks Christy, Gabe, et al for sharing here.  Keep us posted :) 

Don't see the point of implementing a new section for people like IDOT, just sounds like a bunch of needless bureaucracy.  I think the forum should be inclusive and left the way it is, where anyone can contribute and participate in discussion.  I think that if these governmental groups were relegated to a separate forum they'd be easier to ignore, too.        

h' said:

I personally think a successful chainlink would include participation from government representatives and agencies, and think a separate section should exist for such announcements, as for advertisements/specials.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Hey all, I invited him to post the RFP.  There are many urban planners, engineers and others on here that may want to know about the RFP.  And this way the community can start  to get involved and understand the process of making infrastructural changes that affect us.

There has been the belief (by some) that IDOT focuses their attention on drivers or recreational cyclists and not putting money towards the needs of commuters while CDOT is focused on the city cyclists and their needs.    Having this RFP (request for proposal) to a broad audience of people who also may think  about commuter is, in my opinion, a good thing. 

Kevin - your response is a good one though that we should start to chat about (not here, I will start a new thread) - should we have a separate section for solicitations from companies, organizations, etc?

I'm with Howard on this.  In order to get better bike infrastructure and have input into the process, I think it would be helpful to have such informational postings here.  Urban planners and others who are interested in RFPs could benefit from finding that info more easily.  Those of us who wish to participate when there are opportunities for public input. 

Those who choose to ignore these informational posts are free to do so.

h' said:

I personally think a successful chainlink would include participation from government representatives and agencies, and think a separate section should exist for such announcements, as for advertisements/specials.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Hey all, I invited him to post the RFP.  There are many urban planners, engineers and others on here that may want to know about the RFP.  And this way the community can start  to get involved and understand the process of making infrastructural changes that affect us.

There has been the belief (by some) that IDOT focuses their attention on drivers or recreational cyclists and not putting money towards the needs of commuters while CDOT is focused on the city cyclists and their needs.    Having this RFP (request for proposal) to a broad audience of people who also may think  about commuter is, in my opinion, a good thing. 

Kevin - your response is a good one though that we should start to chat about (not here, I will start a new thread) - should we have a separate section for solicitations from companies, organizations, etc?

[sound of crickets chirping]

Stay tuned for updates on the State Bikeway Plan to be released shortly via the IDOT Bicycling Listserv.

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