"If It's Not Ok To Walk It, Why Is It Ok To Bike It?"

This article explores the topic about bike lanes - are they providing safer rides for the cyclists? Do you know of any bike lanes in Chicago that fall into the "dangerous" category?

While sharrows are proven to be less safe, why do we keep seeing them cropping up when the road is repainted? e.g. Damen (North)

A simple but shocking image show how infrastructure purportedly provided for the benefit of cyclists, expects them to ride in situations they feel are dangerous

“If you wouldn’t walk on it”, asks @Perthbiker in reference to East Parade, East Perth, “why expect people to ride on it?” The pedestrian in the exhibit is photoshopped, but @Perthbiker’s given us a powerful illustration of how inured city managers are to the risks associated with mixing bicycles with fast-moving cars and trucks.

The image shows up the gross inadequacy of much of what passes in Australian cities as safe cycling infrastructure. That sort of design solution is box-ticking at its ugliest. It’s what happens when the key objective is to be seen to do something – anything – without regard to whether or not it achieves the claimed objective of providing cyclists with an option they feel is safe. It’s the design equivalent of greenwashing.

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The northbound Elston bike lane at Ashland, where you have to cross over a lane of traffic to the left of the curb to proceed on Elston. 

Also, to a lesser extent, northbound Damen at Fullerton and Elston, where the bike lane suddenly narrows and disappears.... then reappears on the other side of the intersection. 

I don't think I would find it "safe" to walk in the road at all and yet not safe for the pedestrian when cyclists are on their road (sidewalk).

Perhaps most urban roads should be "bike roads" and cars could be the cautious visitors...


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