Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yes. Yesterday too. Don't want my blood pressure to get too comfortable.

Today was in the 20s with the wind in my face and I wasn't really prepared with the right gear. I take the longer route in the morning to get a slightly longer ride in but am starting to rethink my approach. We don't have snow though. If we did, we work from home. 

I'll likely be back at it tomorrow or Monday.  Does anyone have update on condition of LFP?  Montrose to Jackson?

Everything is pretty clear except some ice north of the oak street curve. It looks like the flyover's getting swept and salted.

I did ride today.  Was nice to be back on the road.  Thanks, Tricolor for the update yesterday.

I took the LFP from Montrose to Jackson.  Conditions:

Lots of salt; mostly South of the Flyover

Some icy spots; keep your eyes on the road and you should be fine.

    Some ice just before the Oak Street curve, but you can get around it.

    Some iced seaweed just before Flyover; go slow over the bumpy mess and it's OK

I'm sure there are "black ice" spots here and there; this is the season to be more cautious than usual.

All that said, I plan to keep biking and have fun!  Have a great weekend!

Beautiful ride this morning. Planning to go out again this afternoon. Much better now that on-street ice is gone, at least where I'm riding today.

No ride today but a nice jog with the dog! Lots of folks out on LFP today; gorgeous!

Yep. Nice out and back on LFP. Still some heavy salt in places.

Yes I did! Was nice to see lots of bikers on my way home with taillights blinking.

The morning rain chased most people away today. Lucky for me I usually leave so late it had stopped. The wind was kind of a pain, though.

Not today, but I’ll be back on the horse tomorrow!

I did. Was a nice cool ride on the LFP.

I think next week will see a lot fewer riders due to the holiday.


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