Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Have not ridden the LFP for quite a long time. It's nice to see winter still has it grip on us. Allot less snow than usual though.

ive been riding year round, fifteen miles a day... for the past ten years.  wait till you hit negative 35 or 45.  thats when your freewheels stop working and your goggles freeze over from the inside.

it can be done.  it must be done.

OMG, so great photo! It`s amazing!!

I really hate cold weather( But I motivate myself for winter riding by photos (, articles ( and videos (, It`s a kind of challenge for me: “I`m one with the wind and sky”, but I`m still on my bike, I can do it not worse than in summer!) I feel sooo cool at that moment))) But sitting at home and drinking hot tea after riding is absolutely better.

i used to ride through the winter and also delivered mail during the day, then ride home.  I retired from my job just recently because it ruined my knees, but my doctor said keep riding.  I was one of 4 people back in 2011 Blizzard to make it to work, riding my bike behind a plow,  


 I couldn't open the garage door too much snow but i could lift my bike into the trucks tire grooves.  I saw many fascinating pictures from my own eyes each day, that couldn't have been seen driving a car.  I retired the Post Office so i could keep riding my bike.  4 years of winter through winter cycling is the only way!!!

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