Nice first ride in the COLD.


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ahhhh, blue skies are good for the soul. Thanks for the afternoon pick-me-up Gene. :-) 

I finally got back into bike commuting. Rode to and from work Monday and Wednesday. Working from home today but rode my bike four miles to my doctor's appointment.

Monday on my way to work I encountered something I NEVER thought I'd encounter in Chicago: another person on a bike who ACTUALLY STOPPED AT A STOP SIGN!! Here I was thinking I was the only Chicago cyclist who's not better than everybody else and isn't entitled to ignore the stop signs (including the ones on Clybourn that are *SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BIKE LANES!!*), red lights, etc. I complimented the guy. :)

Yesterday I took the LFT home. I think it was on Wilson where the street crosses the trail, with stop signs. Some car was going past at about 40 miles an hour and completely blew through the stop sign, didn't even slow down, then got on LSD and floored it. I have video of it, too! I'd love to turn that over to the authorities if I knew for sure that something positive would come of it.

I wish there was a feature for me to *love* these pics. Always so wonderful to see spring flowers. :-)

Don't you have some control over how the site functions? :-)  Looking at Gene's photos usually makes me want to leave work and get over to the lakefront.

Not really. But I'm working on the solution for us to move to a more updated platform so hopefully we'll get lots of awesome new features we don't currently have. :-) And YES, I feel the same. I love Gene's photography. It's my daily addiction.

Thanks for the kind thoughts, Lisa and Yasmeen. Although, this does give me pause; on days when I cannot ride I would feel guilty to know that there are Chainlinkers out there with delerium tremons, the cold sweats, bulging eyeballs and prickly skin, because they cannot get their daily dose of photography. Yikes.

Rode Thursday and Friday.  It was glorious!


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