Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Nice beaver!  Spotted at the lakefront overlook in Kenilworth this morning.  Must be spring...

Oh my gosh!! How great! What a cutie. 

Seems like a very unusual environment (even ignoring the concrete, bricks, fence and bike rack) in which to find a beaver. I suspect he (or she) is a long way from a dammable stream. I hope he finds his way somewhere more hospitable.

I encountered a couple raccoons (or "racctoons" as some of my nephews used to call them when they were much younger) this morning, but didn't stop and ask them to pose. They looked like they were lumbering along about as fast as they could go, so I doubt they would have stopped even if I used the magic word.

Is the magic word, "treat"? My dogs stop in their tracks when treats are in play.

Though I suppose that might have worked extremely on well-trained raccoons (they were high-tailing it away from a garbage can), I was thinking more along the lines of the magic word you might want to elicit from your three-year old child, not your three-year old dog: please. ;-)

Must admit I was a bit taken back by the beaver sighting.  That overlook is a frequent stop off point to view the sunrise.  I was there with another random cyclist and we both watched the beaver saunter in there from the sidewalk/road and wander around.   There's nothing around that location that makes me think it would be an ideal beaver habitat to be sure.  A bit of Google searching indicates that beavers have previously been spotted in Chicago including Montrose Harbor and North Pond in Lincoln Park.   So, who knows?

In any event, spotting a beaver while biking the north shore is definitely a first for me. 

That glow. Makes my heart feel good. Thanks for sharing. I hope it was a good ride.



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