Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Good for you for getting out there. Any idea why you were cold? Maybe needing a layer to keep the wind out? I went xc skiing today and even though I was quite toasty at first, I mistakenly unzipped my vest and the wind went right through me (and I was cold). 

Its a good day when I can make it out to the trails. Even if it takes me 11 stops on the El train and 80 on a Pace Bus. Even if I break a pedal at the farthest point out on my ride. Its still so much better than being stuck on my 9-5 job in the loop. 

Very nice! Was it warmer this morning than it's been?

Compared to recent weeks it felt like a sunny spring day.

That ice looks so cool - both in the water and on the shore. Very nice!

Thanks, Yasmeen. After a few days traveling it was nice climbing on the trike and getting some photography time in again.


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