Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Frigid is so beautiful!

.... until your eyelids freeze shut. Thanks, Lisa.

You don't see me out there taking those pictures, do you?  The fact that I am a lousy photographer has nothing to do with it. :-)

Stunning. I've been featuring a few of them on Instagram recently. They are very well received (with full credit to you, of course). Thanks for sharing these with us. 

Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Monday's commute: Fine but a little cold.

Tuesday's commute: Warmer setup, nice ride.... then frozen hub pawls in the AM. Locked up and took the CTA. Retrieved after work and replaced with another wheel.

Today's commute. Working wheel + warmer setup = nicest of the week.

Ouch! (re the pawls). One of things I'm often yammering about when I'm evangelizing internal hubs is that Chicago winters don't wreck them the way they do deraillers. Then _this_ happens. 

I've had pretty good rides all week - the snow on Monday was one pretty fun to ride through and it looks like we got lucky in that most of it got cleared well enough to render my rides today and yesterday to be pretty painless. 

This morning someone said "nice piece" to me as I was unlocking my bike in the Loop. Is that a term  people are using to refer to bikes now? piece? Or was he talking about my butt?

You're gonna have to post a picture of both so we can decide.

For some reason, I was colder this morning than I was on Monday.  Must be gear related.  Just a heads-up to all, I thought I'd ride down to see whether they had cleared the path at the s-curve.  Good news...the curve had a ton of salt on it and was clear.  The bad news...they didn't clear or salt between the curve and Olive Beach.  Bummer.

No I didn't


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