Nice first ride in the COLD.


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When I woke up to Lisa Labuz on WBEZ this morning, she was incredulously commenting to the traffic reporter that one of her colleagues had ridden his bike to work despite the terrible wind.  Uh oh, I thought. Maybe I should take the subway.  

So, I took the dogs for a walk, and found that it was windy, but we have all ridden in way worse.  Yes, I rode my bike to work today, and I did not blow away.  In fact, I did not even have one of those "gust stopped me in my tracks" moments. 

Way to make it happen! I know exactly what you mean by those gusts!

Yesterday I went on a ride after work and while I didn't get blown off my bike, the windy rain did a good job of convincing me to shorten my ride. 

I had a different experience this morning.

Three times I had to counter steer the wind from pushing me sideways onto traffic or parked cars.

Too many pictures of plants and stuff.  Boring.  Needs more street grates, traffic bollards and homeless.

Get a camera, give the 'art' of photography a try. Become a 'Photographer' ! Good luck !

I rode today (and yesterday). And blogged about it:

Leave your winter clothes in the closet for another day. It was lovely out, low 60s. I saw a guy fully covered though, long sleeves, winter pants, and I think a balaclava underneath his helme(n)t!

The early morning autumn fog can give one a bracing chill.

Adjusting clothing from day to day and morning to evening is hardest at this time of year!


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