Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Thanks. Being in "interested but concerned" mode today, I figured the protected parts would be unplowed and icy.

I am living vicariously through these posts, as I'm likely to be off the bike for a few weeks, due to a broken collar bone :(

Hope your collar bone heals quickly!! No fun being off-bike. :-(

Good luck with the recovery and don't rush things.

Yes, nice ride. I tacked on another 45 minutes or so with a couple friends up in Evanston, then grabbed my bag and continued to work.

Yes.  Not windy yet when I came in.  From the flags I can see from my window, looks like that is changing.

Gene, your picture of the ice coated lump thing was just shown on NBC ch. 5 10 pm news/weather segment with Brant Miller.

Thanks, Tom. Yes, I saw it. I get six or so each year that I send in when I think it is something Brant Miller would like.


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