Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Today's am ride was awesome! Barely a breeze, warm but not overheated. Crazier still. No change in number of riders seen yet. I know the spring migratory riders are coming back. It's seems like tomorrow should be the day. Get out there and ride!

This morning the 'bike paths' were covered in snow, ice and parked cars so I had to ride in the (mostly empty) parking lane.

But in the evening...saw a movie, then shopped, then, on a night still warmed by the heat of the day, with just the hint of a gentle, pleasant breeze in the air, rode down a wide, well-lit, smoothly paved major street with hardly any cars on it, my new blinking 5 LED's and rolling green spokesbeams lighting the way.

A truly beautiful ride.

Darn--when is that ice going to get out of the harbor?!?

I love how your pictures have documented the snow and the melt. Focusing on the same subjects is so cool. Thank you! :-) 

If this weather holds, the Milwaukee and Kinzie PBL's should be free of ice and snow by the weekend! Sadly, no projected date for them to be clear of road debris.

Compared to Dearborn, Kinzie and Milwaukee look as if they have been cleaned with a street sweeper.

There was a bulldozer on the LFP today, breaking up the ice around the Oak Street Curve. Hopefully this stretch will soon be rideable. 

I biked home last night. Me and another biker had to walk the bikes probably for 100 feet. Looked the surface of the moon.  I said to him this will be gone soon.  There is still a lot of snow there!

And just like that, my private road is gone. Riding home yesterday, LFT was busy, busy, busy. Strollers, dogs, kids riding bikes with training wheels, another kid testing out his new roller blades on the cinders (naturally, splayed out at the ankles, walking, not rolling), golfers, basketball players, yadda yadda yadda. Only the tennis players have yet to make their appearance.

Oh well, the peace and quiet was nice while it lasted...


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