Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode today again and I'm still trying out different garment combinations to not be too hot. Also, how do you keep your bike clean? I might have to the it to a self serve car wash.

I did! And didn't realize how bad it was until I was out on LFT all by my lonesome. Was passed by exactly two bikes on my commute, but unfortunately got splattered with rock salt being thrown from a park district truck. :( Ah, the indignities of winter riding. Had my choice of showers at MCC to make up for it, though!

Today Folding Thunder rolls over 5000 miles on the odometer, two years of commuting to the Scientific Instrument Shop at UIC (old picture without snow and studded tires).

Finally, I got back on my bike.  What a relief, even though it is a sloppy mess out there.  Hoping the sun actually does appear today and dry some of it up.

Last night was about as good as it gets--every cyclist I encountered had a big ol' grin on their face just like I did!

Best day of riding...I love deep snow. A female rider jetted past me just after Oak street bend. She had her music going and was pretty efficient with her effort. Kudos to her.

Me, I was trying to avoid this...

Gorgeous photos!

Gene Tenner said:

Just so you know I've been riding everyday.  I've been blocked from thechainlink for the last six months because my employers think its not a site the want me to spend hours on.  hmph.  so I havent been posting... BUT I'VE BEEN FREAKIN RIDING EVERY DARN DAY!!!!  WOOOO HOOOOO!  KEEP IT REAL YALL!!!! YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!   so, I wish I could post my stupid comments more often but i've been forced to acutally work the last six months and its much more boring than posting my stupid comments.  miss yall.  yall been good to me.  so, Im still out there rippin up north clark street and gettin pissy with the jerks behind the steering wheels... cars.  hate em.  so anyway this is all my posts in one that have been bottled up for the last six months.  stupid workplace internet.  so anyway I rode today... did you?  YES SIR I FREAKIN RODE.  YAAAAAAA!!!!!!  so... maybe I'll start posting from home like I am now.  hmm... thats an idea.  I'd rather get paid for it though. so.... this winter has been easy so far.  been out there everyday so far.  14 miles a day.  up and down.. up and down... everyday... same old street... know it well. every pot hole, every stop light, every tight spot, all that.  oh... I bought a walmart fatbike... and rode it one day.  took me over an hour (normally 30mins one way) and i hated it.  dont buy fatbikes from walmart.  they way 50lbs.  I returned it.  got my money back.  some one honked at me the couple days ago... or this morning cant recall... have no idea why i wasn't in the way.  stupid cars.  mmm... im still the only cyclist were I work and I still change clothes everyday next to a toilet.  its glamorous.  especially when someone in the other stall is adding to the aroma. but i do it for the sake of the ride.  they dont know.  they ask me, "did you ride today? are you crazy?"  pssh.  their crazy.  two hrs every morning of their lives stuck on 290 or whatever.   I think I'm done venting.  thanks for listening.  until we meet again. signing off... yours truly,



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