Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Mariaville Lake, Mariaville, NY. I had almost forgotten what real hills were like. 600+ ft gain in elevation in the first four miles, with a couple short sections of 8% grade.

More hills today, but a nice return to start along the Hudson-Mohawk River bikeway. Here's an old Erie Canal lock just east of the current Lock 8.

Third (and final) ride of our mini-vacation. The start of my short ride today took me through Schenectady's Stockade. This sign commemorates the ride of Symon Schermerhorn, who rode to Albany in 1690 to alert settlers to the French and Indians (who burned the Stockade). Most of the "new" homes date from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

The Lakefront trail is both exhilarating and terrifying.

There were 10 people I crossed paths with (Hyde Park to downtown), so on one hand its the empty LFT that you dream about. On the other hand it's darkness provides the wipe out potential that a no-streetlight path provides for.

Snuck out for a nice 45mi ride at 3:50am when it was still 59F outside.  Looking out the window of my office now, I'm thinking I might have gotten away with something on that one.    So long summer!

It was fine around 8-9 this morning on my ride in.  Going home in an hour or so not so much.

Quite a few people on bikes this morning, absolutely nobody on the way back on LFB (except some joggers in shorts and blue lips)


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