Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Thank you, Lisa. Some days ya got it, and some days ... not so much.

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Gene--those top two photos are really, really amazing, unlike your other photos that are just amazing.

Yep, biked to work as usual, but had the pleasure of stopping by the BTWW rally in Daley Plaza this morning.

I met a few people at the Chainlink booth, but stupidly, I didn't even ask what their names were. Nice to meet you guys nonetheless! Thanks for the Chainlink stickers for my bikes and car!

I'm an idiot and only snapped 2 pics at the rally (below). I should have taken more, as there were some interesting characters there and a lot of nice bikes. There was a really cute old lady in a Chicago cycling jersey with a very decorated folding bike with a basket on it where her little dog was riding! 

Jimmy, DO NOT let Kathy Schubert see that post about the (let me rephrase it here to protect you) slightly older than 25 years lady with the etc, etc.

Yes, I was confused about that post too, because the only person I know who routinely bikes with their dog would be Kathy Schubert, but she's not old!

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Jimmy, DO NOT let Kathy Schubert see that post about the (let me rephrase it here to protect you) slightly older than 25 years lady with the etc, etc.

Kathy, Suzy, and Rahm as tweeted by the Mayor's Office

I feel like I'm missing all the downtown Chicago fun.  I saw one other biker this morning, on my way across Evanston. 

Love it!

Nançois 8.5 said:

I just organized a Divvy-to-Work-Day for my department in honor of BTWW!

Since we all live within a few miles of each other within the city, this involved scheduling pick-ups for co-workers at a couple Divvy stations on the way in to work, where I got them hooked up with a free pass, showed them how to use the bikes, and talked briefly about safety issues while heading over to the Lakefront Trail. We hit the BTWW pit stop at Fullerton, docked a couple times along the way, and made it to work in style! I can't tell you how happy I was to have the opportunity to show them something that is really important to me, and they had fun too. One even said this was the first time she could ever recall enjoying the commute. Thanks to them all being really good sports, this was my best Bike-to-Work-Week yet.

heh! Cheers... thanks for the heads up. I should have phrased that better, since the word "old" can be taken as an insult to some (many?). No harm meant... to me, old just means more experienced. If you see this Kathy, sorry! =) no harm meant, so please don't take offense. You're rad by the way!

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Jimmy, DO NOT let Kathy Schubert see that post about the (let me rephrase it here to protect you) slightly older than 25 years lady with the etc, etc.

I should point out, I only saw her in passing, and I was about 40 feet away. My apologies to Kathy if she sees this!  :) I see that I've successfully put my foot in my mouth with that post! 

Nançois 8.5 said:

Yes, I was confused about that post too, because the only person I know who routinely bikes with their dog would be Kathy Schubert, but she's not old!

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Jimmy, DO NOT let Kathy Schubert see that post about the (let me rephrase it here to protect you) slightly older than 25 years lady with the etc, etc.

Yep! That's who I saw... and this pic is MUCH closer up than my vantage point was when I saw her.... and seeing her close up, I wouldn't refer to her as old. :) Sorry again Kathy!

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Kathy, Suzy, and Rahm as tweeted by the Mayor's Office


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