Nice first ride in the COLD.


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it was one of those mornings... woke up late... missed a turn and had to back track like five minutes... almost ran a stop sign in front of an SUV who had the right of way (my bad), and just before I got to work, a guy decides to swerve right to make a right turn just as I was passing him on the right.  Did a 30 foot skid/fishtail into a driveway to get out of the way.  I'm glad I've learned not to slam on my front brake and go flying over my handlebars. I saw a guy do that once and he landed flat on his back.

I was so wrong about yesterday I got soaked through my high-tech rain jacket.  Damn thing can't stay waterproof for fifty minutes.

Hope it's better today.

Tricolor said:

It's great, even with a few scattered drops that will be gone by this afternoon.

3.5 miles this morning.  smooth sailing.  nice but sorta muggy.  I cant think of anything to complain about... oh, I noticed how totally disgusting and caked with grease my chain is.  time for a cleaning. my whole bike is filthy for that matter.  

is it just my screen or do things look different?

Summer has finally arrived for me--back to Belmont Harbor and first morning ride on the LFP.  Will not be riding it in the afternoon south of Fullerton though.  That detour at Navy Pier must be horrific with the afternoon crowds, not to mention the usual insanity around the beaches.

no its back to normal now.

On recent Saturday afternoons the northbound detour has been pretty hectic, especially around the east side of Lake Point Tower. 

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Summer has finally arrived for me--back to Belmont Harbor and first morning ride on the LFP.  Will not be riding it in the afternoon south of Fullerton though.  That detour at Navy Pier must be horrific with the afternoon crowds, not to mention the usual insanity around the beaches.

You know that little parking garage entrace on the south side of Kinzie, just east of the big Orleans underpass? I have never before seen a cyclist stop to enter that garage, but this week I've seen it happen two times.

I wonder if they have bike parking or showers or other facilities in there.

What a gorgeous, but humbling, ride.  I flatted on some mystery debris on Montrose this morning; I must have been running a little high b/c the valve had blown clean off when I went to take the wheel off.  Even better, when I pulled up an alley to change the tube I completely spaced on unclipping my left foot and ate it.  Thankfully I had my whole kit to get a change and get moving again, just a little more self-conscious than when I first left.  Oy.  Here's to a quick day and quieter ride home tonite!

It's gorgeous out.  Lovely ride.  I sure see a lot of landscapers on my new route through Evanston.  I didn't see many of them coming from uptown, except by the cemetery.  Also, tons of those fluffy floaty cotton balls in the air yesterday and some this morning.  got one in my eye. cottonwood seeds?  they were sparkling in the sunlight.  next to those mansions thought I was in a fairy tale. 

I had a nice ride today. No people yelling at me. It's the last day of school with students! Awesomeness. 


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