Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Both, Rich. Thanks for asking. More than 80 percent of the time I stop. Having a recumbent trike makes this a lot easier. I never get off the trike to take any shot you see on these pages.

Rich Evans said:

Really nice shots, Gene.  You've probably been asked before, but do you stop and shoot these, or take 'em on the fly?

That would explain the elegant POV :) -- a bit like that from my Street Machine.  Your route is prettier than mine to O'Hare, but I do get a "foresty" stretch or two.     

rode 21 miles today
Had 5 layers on.
Feet got cold and water bottles froze.
cleared my sinuses out though and I could actually breath!

Yep. Had errands to run. (Time to get me some snowmobile gloves...)

I don't usually bitch about weather but going 12 miles into the 20mph north/west wind today was freaking brutal. Wore 2 pairs of socks and a large pair of gloves over a small pair of gloves and it worked out. After years of winter I figured out wearing 2 of each item of clothing usually works out. Three pairs of anything might be a little too hot even in subzero temps.

Hot coffee is so nice in this weather.
Yesterday's brisk north wind was tough going up and a delight flying back. I brought hand warmers but did not need them.
40 hand warmers for $15 at Costco!

I couldn't ride today. 25 degrees plus the wind chill was too much. I struggle with frostbit in my fingers from a very drunken cold weather camping outing. What are the BEST gloves for riding? I don't like those lobster claws because I have trouble controlling my brakes with those.

A rough morning. A lingering cold, combined with strong headwinds and me riding my cargo bike made for a slow commute. At least I'll be flying home.

Cold and windy, but I made it to work in one (frozen) piece.


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