Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Great ride today!

You bet we did. Into the wind. No time to wait out the storm, but that was ok. We're not soft, unlike, say, The Bears.

I rode yesterday to test ride a 650B bike owned by David P. Man, that bike is an absolute joy to ride: nimble, fast, precise steering...

On my way home I got caught in that noon-time storm. Absolutely exhilarating. Dark, leaves blowing, rain flying sideways...

I was out of town most of last week, so today was my first day back on the bike in a week.

Returning to a somewhat sore subject...

On the topic of obedience to the rules of the road, today in Edgewater I saw a school bus blow a stop sign (this was definitely not an Idaho stop, he barely slowed down), and as I approached Sheridan from Ardmore to get on the LFT, the light changed green for me, then someone southbound blew through the red light.

I rode today. Windy, but got a tailwind most of the way. My ride home will sick if the wind doesn't change direction, though.

Also, I saw a cabbie weave through a bunch of people crossing the street, almost running three of them over.

Our morning tail wind promises to be our afternoon head wind!

Even though it wasn't all that cold I didn't even see another bike on the lake until Belmont Harbor.  All told maybe six commuters.

So, the headwind for the am was crazy fierce at times. To all of those reverse of my ride, enjoy the tailwind. For all of those going north and south, be careful by the 18th bridge and the police station. Huge puddle of sitting water. Cars no likey me occupying 18 to avoid the bath and I had difficulty kicking it with the wind.

Nice southeast wind this morning coming down Elston. It was a bit difficult to balance on tiptoes at some of the lights! I actually took my longer "scenic route" to my office and it took me as little time as my "short route!"

The ride in this morning was great, nice to have the tailwind. The ride back to Morton Grove this afternoon might be another story (re: wind).

No wind, blue sky, just enough of a chill in the air.


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