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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode the I & M Canal from Channahon to Morris and back.  We arrived in Morris just in time for the Big Wheel Races for the five year olds.  Perfect weather and fun times in Morris which was celebrating the Grundy County Corn Festival!

First ride in many months with glove liners, ears covered and lower legs covered.  If one looked at this as a portent of things to come it could be gloomy and depressing.  I saw it as a nice crisp ride on a day where I was prepared and well dressed. 

Different strokes I guess.  I'm still in shorts and t-shirt and it felt great.  Zero sweat (except under my bag).  I could feel the heat coming off me at stop lights

David Barish said:

First ride in many months with glove liners, ears covered and lower legs covered.  If one looked at this as a portent of things to come it could be gloomy and depressing.  I saw it as a nice crisp ride on a day where I was prepared and well dressed. 

"Nice first ride in the COLD."

I layered up per David's comments, and loved the ride. Bring on the winter! 

A bit chilly this morning, but once I got going I warmed up. It wasn't too windy, which was nice. Jeans, long-sleeve bike jersey, balaclava, and gloves. Probably should have worn a jacket, but oh well. :-)

I hear you.  It was 43 degrees when I started out before 6am.  I doubt I will be wearing tights, a hat or glove liners on the way home.  This time of year can lead to a variety of garb. Yesterday I played disc golf and wore convertible pants. I was happy to wear long pants early and zip them off for shorts after about 10 am.

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

Different strokes I guess.  I'm still in shorts and t-shirt and it felt great.  Zero sweat (except under my bag).  I could feel the heat coming off me at stop lights

David Barish said:

First ride in many months with glove liners, ears covered and lower legs covered.  If one looked at this as a portent of things to come it could be gloomy and depressing.  I saw it as a nice crisp ride on a day where I was prepared and well dressed. 

Wow! Beautiful pictures - you should send them to the Divvy folks...

Thanks! I already tweeted the second one to them. :-)

Glenn Bradford said:

Wow! Beautiful pictures - you should send them to the Divvy folks...

I had a couple riding "firsts" this weekend- first ride in a thunderstorm and first ride below 50 degreees f.

I actually put on one too many layers this morning! Whoops!

Count me in the "LOVE" this weather group.  I'd rather pull off layers.  I think I ride faster in the 50's.

These past two days have been wonderful for riding!  I rode from Humbolt Park Chicago up to a friends place in Gurnee on thursday.  I rode back today for a total of 84 miles.  Both days had perfect weather.


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