Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Got some there too - I am really going to miss the free Cliff bars next week. It was a nice addition to my Greek yogurt breakfast, post ride.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Good things come to those who wait for red lights.

At Lincoln/Halsted/Fullerton I waited for the light to turn green. Two individuals came up behind and blew right thru it. Then all of a sudden a guy in a Clif jersey stepped out into the street and handed me two Clif bars. We exchanged pleasantries and by that time the light turned green. Not bad...   

The turnout at the rally was really cool.  Most I've seen in recent years.

Those of you who signed up for the Founding Gear Divvy membership, did you remember to pick up your t-shirt at today's rally?

I led a group of 13 riders in from Evanston.  Twice en route we were approached by Cliff Bar people insisting that we take a couple bars from them. It was cool to ride on Dearborn with a pack of riders and arrive at the plaza and see hundreds of them.  This year's shirt looks nice and is sure to be in the heavy rotation.  It was great to see so many cycling friends milling around just taking it in.

Yesterday and today--Tour de Shore with some other Chainlinkers.  Well, they did not ride with me, but we connected at the end of the ride!   What a great ride, and the rain was not too bad, either.

Long commute today.  Detoured up to Wilmette for swim practice, then rode in from there (Channel Trail -> Lawrence -> Lincoln).  I can see where Lincoln can get a bit dicey - even with its bike lane - with all those three-street intersections.

The problem with Lincoln is most of it is not wide enough to safely ride outside the door-zone while also allowing motorists to pass with three feet of space. So you end up constantly juggling riding in the door-zone and taking the lane while pissing off drivers behind you. At least, that was my experience.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Long commute today.  Detoured up to Wilmette for swim practice, then rode in from there (Channel Trail -> Lawrence -> Lincoln).  I can see where Lincoln can get a bit dicey - even with its bike lane - with all those three-street intersections.

Sounds like it was a good group and rally.  I'm sort of sorry I took Friday off from work (though not that sorry). :-)

David Barish said:

I led a group of 13 riders in from Evanston.

Loved my ride on LFP this morning.  May be the best of the year!

Yeah, it did seem a bit narrow.  OTOH, at the time I was riding in, safety in numbers seemed to come into play.

Next time I suppose I will wander a bit further south and come in on Elston.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

The problem with Lincoln is most of it is not wide enough to safely ride outside the door-zone while also allowing motorists to pass with three feet of space. So you end up constantly juggling riding in the door-zone and taking the lane while pissing off drivers behind you. At least, that was my experience.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Long commute today.  Detoured up to Wilmette for swim practice, then rode in from there (Channel Trail -> Lawrence -> Lincoln).  I can see where Lincoln can get a bit dicey - even with its bike lane - with all those three-street intersections.


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