Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Great weather this morning!
It must officially be spring, because I'm getting harassed by assholes in BMWs.

First day in my riding SANDALS! Yay!

Wind somewhat challenging, but, if it stays on course, I'll have a wonderful ride home!


in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

First day in my riding SANDALS! Yay!

Wind somewhat challenging, but, if it stays on course, I'll have a wonderful ride home!

Lovely ride today. Looking forward to more later.

Great Ride, but the crazy drivers were really out in force today.   I particularly loved the driver at Ashland and Grace that was Eastboung on Grace a good 200 feet from the intersection when the light turned yellow.  He floored it, barreled through the intersection that was very red when he got there, turned a high speed left onto Ashland and nearly hit several school kids and a crossing guard. 

Or the guy at Lincoln and Wilson going South on Lincoln who was on a Cell Phone and turned left without a turn signal right across my way.  Fortunately, I was stopping to turn West on Grace.  Had I been going straight.... 

And both of these cars were "ultimate driving machines"...

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Wow biked all winter and it was great. But today cyclists, drivers, pedestrians... everyone was an asshole. Also too many dickheads passing on the right with no warning and I got a pinch flat near Armitage and Milwaukee because of shitty roads. I really do prefer the cold winter over the hot summer, but it's not even summer yet!

It's not just BMW types.  There's a guy in a Maserati who leaves the Loop on Franklin as fast as he possibly can...  I've seen him probably three times.  Where are the police when you need them?


Rich Evans said:


in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

First day in my riding SANDALS! Yay!

Wind somewhat challenging, but, if it stays on course, I'll have a wonderful ride home!

Another lovely day.  The crazy automobile drivers must have been bugging the rest of you yesterday 'cause I got none of them!

I just had to get over to the lake on such a beautiful morning so I left a few minutes early and took the "long way" to work. 


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