Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Definitely!! That "pockmarked" ice flow in the northern-most pen by Fullerton caught my eye this morning and was quite beautiful.  The distraction it provided helped me forget about the the cold for a good half mile. :-)

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

The ice photo--image 4067--very cool.  And everything looks so beautiful in the sunshine.
Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.


Big ups to everybody that rode this morning. That was a purdy dang cold ride. I'm curious what others wear on their bottom half. My col'd lizard tights were great but the rain pants over them trapped all my sweat and made a nice little layer of sweat-ice by the time I got to Skokie. I'm not from this climate so I'm still learning. Any hints would be most welcome!

Very nice this morning with almost no wind.  

It seemed swirly to me, at time in my face, at other times I was flying. I did make it in only 35 minutes today, one of my fastest times this winter.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Very nice this morning with almost no wind.  

If it touches skin it must wick. I wear wicking tights as a base layer and relatively thin, quick-dry warm-up pants (see below) on the outside; they are baggy which also provides air as an extra layer. I just add more tights as it gets colder ... thin, heavy, thin + heavy, thin + thin + heavy. I was fine on Wednesdday's ride.

  • Boys’ UA Advance Warm-Up Pants

Captain Swizzlestick said:

Big ups to everybody that rode this morning. That was a purdy dang cold ride. I'm curious what others wear on their bottom half. My col'd lizard tights were great but the rain pants over them trapped all my sweat and made a nice little layer of sweat-ice by the time I got to Skokie. I'm not from this climate so I'm still learning. Any hints would be most welcome!

I rode today.  I wear some not-quite-tight tights from REI my wife got me for Christmas.  They are lined, and have an extra layer of fabric in front as a further wind block.  They do the trick quite well.  The only thing that gets a bit chilly now are my hands, despite the use of Bar Mitts and multiple layers.

yes, my inner layer on my hands are wool liners, and I always have merino wool socks on my feet...

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

This winter I've discovered that a micro- to mid-weight wool under good synthetics creates a nice, consistent vapor barrier wherever I put it: hands, torso, legs, or feet.  

My liners are getting stinky! I wash them weekly, but those windproof micro-fleece core liners are so warm that my hands sweat.  I think it mostly has to do with them being windproof.





I wear a  pair of heavy canvas pants over Izumi thermal tights on the cold days.  It's worked for up to 40 minutes on the coldest days this year.

It's snowing outside. Not too bad on temp, but stronger wind gusts seem to be picking up. 

Fortunately, I remembered where the big ice patches had been on Franklin, as everything was pretty well coated with snow (including me by the time I got home).

Last big snow today!  Everybody check your cabinets and make sure you're well stocked on little umbrellas to go in your tropical drinks, 'cuz you'll be needing them before you know it!

sadly . . . no . . . 


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