Nice first ride in the COLD.


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So great that its mid December and we still get to ride!

Rode around town looking at holiday decorations.
Some ice in spots but took my husband's mountain bike which handled beautiful.
Really threw off the Walgreen's drive through attendant...... "aren't you cold Donna?"
Lol. " no....i love this!"
Gene......your pics are wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Made a liquor store run for wine/beer. Hosting Xmas eve for my wife's family tomorrow.

I am amazed that nothing fell out of that crate one your way home.

Mike Keating said:

Made a liquor store run for wine/beer. Hosting Xmas eve for my wife's family tomorrow.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

I did. Major Taylor Trail. Merry Christmas.

Did more neighborhood riding this morning! Fun saying Merry Christmas to folks outside walking their dogs or kids playing outside :)

Nice chilly ride into the wind going north. We stopped for coffee and headed back south with the wind at our backa and were effortlessly flying until flurries grew to a white out. The last 8 or so miles had full lights amd snowy streets. What an exhilirating ride home. Thank you fenders!

the snow was fun and the traffic was so light, it was a great morning for a ride, thank you to all that waved back.

For a short video of what it is like to right next to the water, click here.

For meore bike ride photos from Christmas day, click here.

Almost looks like winter!  Did you get wet?


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