Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Not too crowded out there, eh?  Amazing how the water keeps the shape of the rip rap as it flies up!

I rode in--not bad on the side streets.  I am reserving judgment for the ride home which is northbound and when the wind and gusts are supposed to be worse.
Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos and a video from today, click here.

7:56 a.m.:

5:00 p.m.:

Gene, as always, beautiful pictures.

Great ride into work this morning, slight tailwind, averaged a bit over 19/mph for my 14 mile commute to the medical district from Skokie - took roughly 42 minutes compared to yesterday's yellow-purple-pink lines commute in at 1 hour and 40 minutes.

I dressed as a cyclo commuter. Similar route but more casual pace than Gopher.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

While it still looks like fall in the park, the lake is starting to look like winter!  Thanks, Gene.

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

The water looks like a dirty tan rather than a blue. Grrrrr.

Lisa Curcio said:

While it still looks like fall in the park, the lake is starting to look like winter!  Thanks, Gene.

I rode this morning, taking advantage of waking up "early" because of the end of DST.  On my way back, I rode past the Evanston Civic Center where they had all the snow plow blades on display which had been decorated by the elementary schools.  This year's theme appears to have been bikes as a pollution solution (can I really only post only one picture? oh well):

Rode with Kathy Schubert and Oboi Reed along with 14 other really nice folks to see some of the landmarks of the African American community on the south side.  Weather was spectacular, as were the sites we visited.  Our ride was very well thought out and executed by Oboi and Kathy.

Skip, post more!

Sorry we could not make your ride today, Lisa.

For more bike ride photos from tonight, click here.


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