Nice first ride in the COLD.


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A rather empty road makes for a more dangerous riding condition.

Drivers think they can fit between me and the car in the next lane.

I do not miss the schoolbuses.

Inexplicably, the bollards have been re-installed on Milwaukee over the Ohio feeder ramp, just in time for snowplow season.

Andy Moss 9.5 said:

The removal of the bollards on the PBLs, while helping keeping the lanes cleaner, have given impatient drivers an incentive to use them as ad-hoc traffic lanes.  

JustWill said:

A rather empty road makes for a more dangerous riding condition.

Drivers think they can fit between me and the car in the next lane.

I too am seeing a higher incidence of crazy driving than I saw when the streets were filled with bikes and cars weren't surprised to see me.

For example, on my evening commute, I saw a car trying to turn left on Dearborn from the right lane on Congress. Apparently deciding that it was unsafe to cross multiple lanes of traffic, he instead turned right down the bike lane, then made a u-turn. IIRC, that was the third time I saw a car driving down the middle of the Dearborn bike lane this month.

All quiet and cold on my route to work.  Winter finally arrived--I broke out the goggles and winter helmet for the ride today.

So unprepared.
Snotty blind balaclava
Goggle less blues

I had a fine ride in this morning. Covered (most of) my face, had on my new booties, plus the other usual stuff. (I never cover my nose, so glass fogging isn't generally an issue, and I don't care about snot. I just think of the ride as Mother Nature's decongestant.) Nice tail wind. Going home might be a bit different story.

Nice ride this morning. I was prepared and my fingers got cold just as I got near the end of my commute.

I didn't have anything covering my face (only my moisturizer) but I did wear a Yowie for my neck.

I also saw and had a nice chat with Christie on the route on Clark as we were both stopped for the ambulance.

Farewell 2014.  It was fun.   And thanks for all of the sunrises (including this glorious shot from this morning).  


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