Rode on Saturday and Sunday. Not too much on Saturday, just a couple miles to the shop and back, but it was really very nice. Sunday I did 16 miles and it was also nice. This morning I did 7 miles and it was nice too. With all this niceness I'm expecting a load of crap to pop up without warning.
(My half and half is dated 4-29-14. a few floaties in my coffee but it tasted ok. Ill keep using it till I taste a hint of lemony cheese. The office has plenty of those little creamer packets that don't require refrigeration if I need a plan b.)
Humid and nasty all the way in against the wind this morning. I'm actually envious of my parents in Colorado where it's been snowing for the last twelve hours.
Gene, those are breathtaking.
So nice this morning! Tailwind, cool and cloudy... well, it could've been cooler but still not as hot as yesterday. Rode my skinny tired aluminum racing bicycle. Dang, I forgot how much faster it is than my steel, fat tired, touring rig. But the down side is I felt every little bump all the way to the top of my head.
Thank you, Lisa. It is nice to have something pretty to shoot with my bare fingers on the button, rather than ice, snow and gloom with multi-layered gloves on the button.
I was barely sweating when I got to work. Shorts and a t-shirt did me just fine. skinny tires again today. they are fast but I have to slow way down on the crap sections of Clark, which are many. Fat tires, skinny tires... they both have so much lovin' to give, I just cant decide. They should invent tires that change size and pressure as you ride, like an Inspector Gadget style bicycle.
Fantastic morning for biking. Tailwind and all.
If it wasn't raining this would be another great morning to be headed south into town.
First day in a while that I have missed, but the damp cold, rain, and wind forced me to the subway. Better it should be 15 degrees colder than this.
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