Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I had an amazing ride this morning, what a tailwind!!! I was mashing my top gear (44x12) while flying down Milwaukee Ave. That doesn't happen very often...

I freakin rode today.  Clark is always plowed so no problem there.  Evanston is another story.  Dang that wind was like... all in my face.  Definitely the wind was the obstacle for me this morning.  I felt like I had offended it and it was venting on me. har har har.  the potholes are still there except this morning they were filled with black salty water.  In like a lion, out like a...

I'm gonna guess you were heading south.  I almost dropped into my granny gear because of the headwind. I was on my mid chain ring, and second to biggest in gear in back.  I don't even remember how many gears I have back there, maybe eight.  
Kelvin Mulcky said:

I had an amazing ride this morning, what a tailwind!!! I was mashing my top gear (44x12) while flying down Milwaukee Ave. That doesn't happen very often...

For a 1 minute video on the Lakefront Trail approaching Diversey Bridge, click here.

My morning ride was a challenge and it was loads of fun.

When the temperatures hit 90°+ this summer I will fondly remember this winter. Best ever.

Really? If it had just been a very cold winter I would understand, but the snow has been a killer for me.

Beans ~ 14 mi. said:

When the temperatures hit 90°+ this summer I will fondly remember this winter. Best ever.

Ready for sunny weather!


h' 1.0 said:

I went to go get on the mountain bike this morning and with a loud crack from my rear hub apparently stripped out my free wheel, for now it is a free wheel in both directions.  This happened last year at the end of the winter season, hopefully this means and end to the snow and the cold.

Nasty head wind going north but not really that bad temp. wise or street. Problem was the shaded parts where the nearly spring Sun wasn't able to melt the snow.

Ravenswood is really bad though.

Some ice patches but for the most part clear. Slow rolled it today. Hoping today's weather removes the rest of the ice because tomorrow is.... NEW BIKE DAY! \m/


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