Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was so deep out there today I would have actually driven on purpose if traffic wasn't so bad.  The red line was pretty stuffy this morning.

Dadgum fool passed me this morning when there wasn't room (due to snow pile up) & clipped an on-coming a school zone with kiddies walking around all over the place. Everyone was ok, so I just kept on riding. I didn't want to get involved bad enough to be late for work.

The liquid slush of yesterday is not so liquidy today.

How icey are the streets right now?

This morning's ride was a good demonstration of the subordinate status of bike commuting and the southside in this city. I'm in a foul mood.

Yeah, no kidding. I found the LFP uncleared and all the bike lanes on inland streets were a sloppy mess.

Simon Phearson said:

This morning's ride was a good demonstration of the subordinate status of bike commuting and the southside in this city. I'm in a foul mood.

Hello The Grizz,  that's what happens when people get in a hurry.  They loose there sense.  Glad no one was hurt.  Dadgum fool is right.  My ride was LOVELY, so glad to ride and not travel in a stinky steel box with rock hard seats.  I wore ski goggles, it was about zero degrees when I left and I didn't want my eyes to be watering.  Yay for bicycles. 
The Grizz said:

Dadgum fool passed me this morning when there wasn't room (due to snow pile up) & clipped an on-coming a school zone with kiddies walking around all over the place. Everyone was ok, so I just kept on riding. I didn't want to get involved bad enough to be late for work.

Yes I conquer, I kicked a boulder sized clump as I coasted by just to see how hard it was, and it was like a boulder.

Deet 4.5mi said:

The liquid slush of yesterday is not so liquidy today.

I had no problem getting in, though was was pretty slush covered by the time I reached the office. LFT was pretty good, though between Diversey and Fullerton it narrowed down pretty far (single-trackish narrow) for a bit. One driver thought about passing me on Wells just south of Wacker, right as I was about to roll across the little bit of metal grating. He thought better of that though, and decided it wouldn't kill him to wait a second or two for me.

That's a good thing he didn't try and pass you especially on that metal grating.  In my experience its a very unstable surface.  I had one car do the whole pass within inches of me.  I always check to see if it was necessary for them to have been soooo close to me, and no this one was just reminding me who owns the road.  
Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

I had no problem getting in, though was was pretty slush covered by the time I reached the office. LFT was pretty good, though between Diversey and Fullerton it narrowed down pretty far (single-trackish narrow) for a bit. One driver thought about passing me on Wells just south of Wacker, right as I was about to roll across the little bit of metal grating. He thought better of that though, and decided it wouldn't kill him to wait a second or two for me.

I rode this morning after taking the CTA yesterday. It was a slow, stressful, commute on the bike - all sorts of new potholes and frozen slush meant I couldn't break concentration. I'm guessing the ride home will be similar.

Has the city of Chicago completely given up on snow route parking bans? Lots of cars parked in them, which means the slush spills over quite a bit. 

Rode today. Lake Front Trail was mostly okay. A Park District employee got his plow stuck around North Ave., so I had to drag my bike though a snow bank. Bike lanes though River North were okay, but slushy. It's almost a perfect match up where the slush and bike lane starts. Dearborn PBL is a disaster. It's been plowed, but not enough. There are still a lot of frozen spots and the southbound lane is full of snow from the sidewalk. The intersections have unnavigable piles of snow likely pushed from other plows.


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