Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Road six miles before the snow started.

Just rode from Lincoln Park to Lincoln Square. Roads are fine for now, snow is not sticking. 

I rode from Hyde Park to downtown on the LFP this morning... three times. Turns out when I arrived at my office, I realized my shoes had fallen off my rear rack. I backtracked to Hyde Park and back and had no luck finding my shoes. Anyone on here pick up a white canvas Chrome shoe bag with leather shoes in them this morning? I'm sick that I lost these and can offer a reward for their return.

The wind was damn annoying too.

Unfortunately I didn't see anything when I rode in to hyde park from the loop this morning.

Ryan Stahlman said:

I rode from Hyde Park to downtown on the LFP this morning... three times. Turns out when I arrived at my office, I realized my shoes had fallen off my rear rack. I backtracked to Hyde Park and back and had no luck finding my shoes. Anyone on here pick up a white canvas Chrome shoe bag with leather shoes in them this morning? I'm sick that I lost these and can offer a reward for their return.

The wind was damn annoying too.

The shoes have been found by JJD! I owe a big debt to her and to thechainlink today.

THAT'S AWESOME! We've been toying with the idea of building some sort of lost and found section within the new site.

Ryan Stahlman said:

The shoes have been found by JJD! I owe a big debt to her and to thechainlink today.

Looks like your forecast was right.  The wind changed direction.  Haven't heard about the temple band, though...

JM 6.5 said:

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the wind doesn't do a 180 before tonight's commute home.  The current weather forecast on the Trib is that the southerly winds are supposed to shift to a very strong northerly headwind for those going north:

Crap, I hate being right. ;-) I guess I'll put on a smile and try to convince myself that riding into a headwind both directions is better for my health.

Tricolor said:

Looks like your forecast was right.  The wind changed direction.  Haven't heard about the temple band, though...

Any early reports on roads for the commute home?  Black ice?

That wind was coming in from all different directions. I was shifting gears to accomodate the shifting winds.

No black ice on N Dearborn and N Clark. Lake Front Trail has some light ice patches from North Ave to Roscoe but is otherwise well salted.


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