Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I only rode to the Metra this morning, but I got a shot of a nice "ice sculpture" outside the OTC.

No, but I am riding tomorrow!  I was colder walking to and from the train than I have ever been on my bike, and most of the side streets look "rideable".

Took the CTA. However, on the way home a Divvied back from the Blue Line stop, riding on the side of Logan Boulevard that hadn't been plowed. The Divvy bike was great in the snow! It's so stable that it's trivial to recover when the front wheel slides.  In fact, I could see checking one out after a snow fall just to ride it around in the snow, it was so much fun.

If you take the lake front trail know the city's not clearing anything between Grand and Oak, so you may want to use Dearborn.  It was damn cold tonight.  I'm going for the lined LL Bean pants tomorrow if I ride.

Was the Oak underpass cleared? As of this morning, it was still full of snow.

This evening (12/9 @ 7:45 pm) the W/B Kinzie PBL was a sloppy and icy mess. Same for the N/B Milwaukee PBL.

Just got back an hour ago from taking sheffield from North to Clark. Well plowed.  I actually was comfortable on the ride home. Wore three layers, wool socks.

This am took Clark from Wilson to North then cut down Wells to Merchandise Mart.  Clark was plowed only so so in the bike lane. Disappointed  that the bike lanes on wells were not well plowed. Is the City supposed to/obligated to clear bike lanes too?  

Winter biking seems much more dangerous to me because I need to ride closer to traffic as the bike lanes aren't cleared and I"m worried about ice or I don't want to go through slush. Anyone else feel the same?

Also I must say riding a commuter bike with 28 cc' tires feels  a lot safer than  a road bike with thin tires.  I feel like I need to be on something more stable given the wet,  potentially icy, roads.

Yep. I definitely do not like having to ride so far outside the bike lane to avoid slush. Had to do that on Dearborn and Clark though River North this evening.
I rode my bike to the train station. Once I got there, I realized that I had forgotten my locks. So I ended up riding 4 miles in my office clothes. Not recommended in this weather.

Well, despite my resolve, Kevin's description of the bike lanes from last night sent me to the Blue Line.  Once that stuff freezes it is not going anywhere in this weather. 

I Divvy'd.

I had everything ready to go on my bike, then chickened out after I walked the dogs in single digit temps this morning.... Too bad I put my wallet with my CTA pass inside my pannier and forgot to grab it so I got to ride anyway to fetch it up! I was not dressed for the chill. 

Is Wells (between Lincoln & the Loop) clean yet?? I am ready to be back on bike but after taking so many falls before Thanksgiving I have been stupid nervous. 


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