Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was nice out there, this morning.  Not crowded, again, either.

Oh man it was cold this morning for my 6am ride to the Metra station up north in Fox Lake!

I failed to check the weather forecast beyond looking out the window to check for rain. I left my house in my typical summer biking clothes... a basic lightweight moisture-wicking generic sports shirt and light weight running shorts.

I got outside and thought... "uh oh, this will be a cold ride"... and it was! I didn't have time to run back inside to grab a long sleeve shirt or full pants, or else I would have missed my train.

I hope the ride this afternoon to Union Station will be warmer!

My wife yelled at me to throw a hoodie in my pack yesterday morning before I left.  I didn't want to, but I did so she would stop and I could leave.  About 2 blocks in, I had to stop and put it on.  Thanks, babe!

JimmyD 3.75 mi said:

Oh man it was cold this morning for my 6am ride to the Metra station up north in Fox Lake!

I failed to check the weather forecast beyond looking out the window to check for rain. I left my house in my typical summer biking clothes... a basic lightweight moisture-wicking generic sports shirt and light weight running shorts.

I got outside and thought... "uh oh, this will be a cold ride"... and it was! I didn't have time to run back inside to grab a long sleeve shirt or full pants, or else I would have missed my train.

I hope the ride this afternoon to Union Station will be warmer!

Take a ride this afternoon.  Great sunny day for a ride!

Now THAT was a tailwind!  Fastest I have ever made it to work. :-)  South siders, it looks like it will be a tailwind for you going home.

a bit chilly in the west burrrrbs this morning. coulda used another layer.

glorious tailwind

with the scary high water

completely worth it.

You're not kidding.  From the Chicago marine forecast:

Today: Northeast winds 20 to 25 kt [23 to 29 mph]. Slight chance of showers in the morning. Waves 7 to 10 ft occasionally to 14 ft.

Jeremy said:

glorious tailwind

with the scary high water

completely worth it.

Biking from 26th and King to Lawndale was not a glorious ride today, but the headwind did not seem as bad as that report. Still, all you folks with your glorious tailwinds hurt my soul. : )

That was a marine forecast.  Wind is always better/worse on the lake where nothing is blocking it.
grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

Biking from 26th and King to Lawndale was not a glorious ride today, but the headwind did not seem as bad as that report. Still, all you folks with your glorious tailwinds hurt my soul. : )

Whether you head north then south or south then north, you're going to earn the tailwind days with some hellacious headwind days.  Just wait, it will be your turn again soon!

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

Biking from 26th and King to Lawndale was not a glorious ride today, but the headwind did not seem as bad as that report. Still, all you folks with your glorious tailwinds hurt my soul. : )

I was prepared for my 5am ride way up near the WI/IL border today to get to the Metra station... gloves, jacket, long pants. It was a pleasant ride!

Once I got into Chicago, it was much warmer for my ride to the office. I hope the sun peaks out this afternoon for the commute home.


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